Gamesa was recently honoured with the “Rising Star” award for its Solar EPC capabilities at the India Solar Week 2016 organized by trade journal “Solar Quarter”. The award recognises Gamesa for its proven capabilities in the renewable energy sector, after having commissioned over 68 MW of solar power in India in less than a year.
Sajay Kuruppanparambil, Solar Business Unit Executive Vice President, was tasked with collecting the prize at the ceremony. “This is a testament to the outstanding commitment displayed by our team in understanding and meeting customer demands and needs. Having recently established our leadership position in the wind sector, we are confident that we will be able to reach greater heights in the solar sector as well”, he said.
Gamesa solar in India
This focus on the photovoltaic sector in India fits with the strategic goal enshrined in the 2015-2017 business plan of exploring opportunities in businesses that complement the wind industry, such as solar power. India’s solar potential has been sized at 750 GW. The government’s goal is to lift installed capacity to 100 GW by 2022, compared to 3.8 GW today.