This Wednesday, I’ll be moderating a panel at AWEA’s Fall Symposium entitled “BREAKING NEWS: Election Results Impact Wind’s Relationship with Congress, White House.” While it’s not exactly breaking news any longer, the outcome of last week’s Presidential and Congressional elections will still be on the forefront of all of our minds come Wednesday’s panel.
I’m sure you, like me, have a lot of pressing questions: What does Donald Trump think about wind energy? What should we expect of his Presidency? What’s on Congress’s agenda next year and how does this fit into our plans? How can the industry grow its voice and power in Washington? These are timely, important questions that I’m looking forward to digging into.
I’ll be joined by veteran D.C. insiders, who can give us some perspective on what a Trump presidency may mean for our industry, as well as an in-depth discussion on how our strategy is being shaped to work with the new Congress.
Steve Elmendorf, who runs a strategic communications and government relations consulting firm in Washington will talk to us about how our allies can continue helping us defend pro-wind policies. Katie Cullen, a long time wind energy advocate, will consider the nuts and bolts of our industry’s engagement with Capitol Hill in 2017. Finally, Gail Gitcho, a veteran political operative who has been advising American Wind Action, will talk to us about how we have seen the politics of wind make a difference in local, state and federal elections, and what we need to do as an industry to build on this last year’s success.
I also hope that you, our audience, bring questions of your own. As we all unpack what last Tuesday’s election means for our industry, I look forward to seeking the expertise of our panel as well as our audience to help steer us towards a tactical, invigorated and ultimately successful 2017 in Washington, D.C. So please join us for these important discussions and more at AWEA’s Fall Symposium, November 15-17 in San Antonio, Texas. We look forward to seeing you there!
Steve Lockard is President and CEO of TPI Composites.