The Nordex Group installed substantially more wind turbines – 267 units – in its domestic market in 2016 than in the previous year (2015: 176). This growth of around 50% slightly exceeded the internal budget. As the capacity of these turbines also rose, installed capacity climbed by an even sharper 58% over the previous year to 691 MW (2015: 437 MW). Average capacity per wind power system increased to around 2.6 MW (2015: 2.5).
Nordex outperformed the industry as a whole, which posted gains of almost 24% to 4,625 MW (2015: 3,730 MW). This strong market development was driven by the adoption of an auction model for the remuneration of new projects. Consequently, Nordex’s market share increased to around 15% (2015: 12%).
Nordex particularly benefited from its strong position in efficient turbines designed for light-wind regions (IEC3). Thus, more than 40% of its turbines were installed in the four southern German states of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. At the same time, the share of the more recent 3-MW platform doubled to over 25% (2015: 12%).
“This year we will achieve a new installation record thanks to the strong order intake in 2016,” says Jörg Hempel, who is responsible for Nordex’s German business. Last year, Nordex’s order intake in Germany rose by around 28% to EUR 1.17bn.