AXYS Technologies Inc (AXYS) is pleased to announce its participation in French EolMed wind development initiatives in the zone between Port-La Nouvelle and Gruissan. An AXYS WatchKeeper buoy will be deployed by French company Créocéan on the behalf of QUADRAN, at the location over the next year to gather comprehensive metocean data. This marks the first stage of floating offshore wind development in that area and will gather essential preliminary environmental data to support future design and financing decisions.
The WatchKeeper buoy is equipped to provide wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure and directional waves. The buoy also uses an AIS Aid to Navigation device, which broadcasts buoy position and weather information to local vessel traffic. This protects the buoy from collision by notifying vessels of its location.
Terry Tarle, President and CEO at AXYS Technologies said “AXYS is proud to be supporting Créocéan with their environmental impact and assessment campaign with our real-time metocean buoy system. We wish Créocéan and Quadran success in their continued involvement in floating offshore wind development.”