In the next four years Yucatan will receive an investment of $2.8 billion USD for the installation and operation of 18 wind farms whose construction would be ready by 2021, which would generate a total of 300 megawatts of clean energy that will be commercialized and used by the industries of the peninsula.
The secretary of Economic Development (Sefoe), Ernesto Herrera Novelo, said that between 2018 and 2019, nine wind farms will be built. The projects were already approved by the federal government and assigned to Yucatán to be developed by national and foreign companies.
He stressed that the production of wind energy from Yucatan will leave a direct impact over the next three years of 10 billion pesos, this for the linking and provision of services to Yucatecan companies.
The official of the state government said that according to information from the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) for the first nine projects $1.8 billion USD has been committed for the creation of this infrastructure that would be ready for next year.
He added that the national energy program for Yucatan contemplates that by the year 2021, construction of nine more wind parks for the production of clean energy is contemplated. On these additional facilities will be invested one billion dollars more, so that makes a total of $2.8 billion dollars of investment.
“In that way there will be 18 wind parks in the state, that will jointly open more than four thousand jobs, mainly specialized labor, logistics services and the construction industry,” he said.
Herrera Novelo assured that by 2019 the first nine clean energy parks will start operating and selling their production to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), and by 2021 the other nine will start operating to supply some private industries and the adjoining area.
The official stressed that in the future these wind parks will allow to decrease the prices of electric energy in the state.