Enel’s subsidiary Enel Green Power Brasil Participações (EGPB) has won a tender to construct three wind energy projects in Brazil totalling 618 MW.
This is the second tender that was secured by Enel in the recently held renewable energy auction in Brazil. The first tender was won earlier this week for the construction of a 388MW solar plant in the country.
The present tender consists of three wind projects including the 510MW Lagoa do Barro wind farm, the 78MW Morro do Chapéu II wind farm and the 30MW extension of Enel’s already operational 180MW Delfina wind farm.
The 510MW wind farm will be located in the Lagoa do Barro do Piauí, Queimada Nova and Dom Inocêncio municipalities, in the State of Piauí. When fully operational, the wind project could generate nearly 2,400GWh of clean electricity each year.
The 78MW wind farm will be built in the Morro do Chapéu municipality, in the State of Bahia. This project could generate nearly 380GWh of clean electricity annually. It is an extension of the company’s 172MW Morro do Chapéu Sul wind farm. The extension will share the same connection infrastructure.
The third wind farm will be located in the Campo Formoso municipality, in the State of Bahia and is expected to generate more than 160GWh of renewable energy every year.
These three wind farms are expected to be operational by 2023 and could cumulatively generate about 3TWh of renewable electricity. They are being supported by 20 year power supply contracts, which help in the sale of specified volumes of energy to a pool of distributed companies in Brazil.
Enel is expected to invest of about $750m for the construction of the three plants and this investment.
Enel Green Power head Antonio Cammisecra said: “Enel Green Power has had another record year and these two wins this week in Brazil provide us with good momentum going into 2018. In Brazil specifically, in 2017 we have completed the construction of almost 1GW of wind and solar plants.
“The new renewable capacity assigned this week will allow us to further increase our current renewables footprint in the country, thus reinforcing our leadership in this field.”