Renewable energy contributed 33.8%, wind energy 14.5%, concentrated solar power 3.6% and photovoltaic 3.9%.
Generation structure for the month of August 2018
The peninsular demand for electrical energy during the month of August reached 22,095 GWh, the highest in this month of the last ten years, consequence, mainly, of the registered temperatures, above the average values ??typical of this month.
Regarding the same month of 2017, the increase in the demand for electricity in the peninsular system in August has become 1.3% after three months of decline. Once the effects of productivity and temperatures have been corrected, the monthly demand for electric power has grown by 2.1% with respect to the same month of the previous year.
Regarding the electric power generation structure, hydroelectric power plants continue to be the source with the largest monthly increase in production, 94.4%. This increase is explained by comparing with 2017, a very dry year. The hydraulic production of August 2018 has been in normal values for this period of the year and has represented 10% of the total generation.
Nuclear has been the technology with the greatest weight in the peninsular generation mix this month, with 24.4%. In second place is coal, which represents 16.7% of the total of the monthly peninsular generation and which has produced 18.4% more than in August 2017.
The production of renewable origin in the peninsular system during this month has grown by 14.4% over the previous year, representing 33.8%, favored by the increase in hydraulic generation that energy has produced 7.4% less than in August of last year.