Each wind farm consists of eight wind turbines with an annual production equivalent to the electricity consumption per year of 25,000 homes.
The Government of Navarre has authorized the construction of four wind farms in the municipalities of Cadreita and Valtierra. Each of the facilities consists of eight wind turbines, with a total production of 359,251 MWh (Megawatt / hour) per year.
The four wind power authorizations have been granted to the company Renovables de la Ribera SL. Siemens Gamesa will manufacture each of the 32 wind turbines, model G132 with a hub height (element where the shaft is inserted) of 101.5 meters. The authorizations grant a term of execution of the works of 36 months. The new parks are called Cavar 1, Cavar 2, Cavar 3A and Cavar 3B.
Each wind turbine will have a unit power of 3,465 kW (kilowatts) and the eight wind turbines of each wind farm will accumulate a total power of 27.72 MW. From the point of view of electricity production, power generation is measured in Megawatt hours (MWh), and the forecast indicates that each of the four wind farms will produce about 90,000 MWh per year. If we take as a reference that a house inhabited by three people consumes about 3,500 kWh per year, the production of each park would supply 25,700 homes of these characteristics annually, with energy from renewable sources and no emissions to the atmosphere in its generation.
The administrative authorization process that began with an agreement of the Government of Navarra of January 25, 2017, which approved the Supramunicipal Incident Sector Project and that in April received the favorable reports of the municipalities of Valtierra is completed and Cadreita.