Executives of the Spanish company Iberdrola, with 20 years of presence in Mexico, attended the Energy Commission of the Senate of the Republic headed by Armando Guadiana and reiterated their commitment to the country’s energy development.
José Ignacio Sánchez Galán, president of Iberdrola, dedicated to the production, distribution and commercialization of clean energy, said that “in this country he has always had absolute legal security with us”, which is why they are advancing in their investment plans.
About 60% of its plants are dedicated to supplying the Mexican industry, in addition to public sales. The company makes purchases close to one billion dollars per year by Mexican equipment, in addition to purchases from CFE and Pemex.
With 20 years of experience in Mexico, he made public a commitment to the country during this sexennium for the investment of at least 5 billion dollars in new generation plants, gas, wind and photovoltaic power plants and what is required. In this sense, some investments are already in process.
The Spanish company with more than 120 years of operations, is the second largest producer of renewable energy in the United States, in fact, globally, are the largest producer of wind power.