Wind power in Lugo: Naturgy invests 43 million euros in the construction of the Serra wind farm in Punago-Vacariza

The twelve wind turbines of Serra de Punago-Vacariza, totaling 39.6 MW, located in the municipalities of Castroverde, Baleira and Baralla, will produce electricity for some 50,000 homes.

This renewable project, associated with the last government auction, is added to the construction of the Monciro wind farms, also in Castroverde and Pol; Pastoriza-Rodeiro, in the Lugo municipality of A Pastoriza, as well as the wind projects on the Costa da Morte: Peña Forcada- Catasol II in Laxe, Monte Tourado-Eixe, in Vimianzo, Mouriños in Cabana de Bergantiños and Zas.

Naturgy, which reaffirms its commitment to renewable energy in Galicia, has planned an investment of around 200 million euros to develop 186 MW wind megawatts between 2018 and 2019

Naturgy has completed the mechanical assembly of the wind turbines of the Serra de Punago-Vacariza wind farm, which will be located in the municipalities of Castroverde, Baleira and Baralla, in the province of Lugo. This project has a total of 12 wind turbines that will add a total power of 39.6 MW and involves an investment of around 43 million euros.

The company continues with the electrical assembly phase inside the wind turbines of the park and associated evacuation facilities, after completing the civil works and hoisting under the strictest preventive measures of archaeological and environmental monitoring,

Once the electrical assembly of wind turbines is completed, restoration and revegetation with native species is planned, complying with the indications established by the relevant environmental organizations.

With the development of this project, which joins the construction of wind farms in Monciro, in the municipalities of Castroverde and Pol; Pastoriza-Rodeiro, in A Pastoriza, Peña Forcada-Catasol II in Laxe, Monte Tourado-Eixe in Vimianzo, and Mouriños in Cabana de Bergantiños y Zas, all associated with the last auction of new renewable power held by the Government in May 2017 , Naturgy confirms its commitment with Galicia and with the fulfillment of its Strategic Plan 2018-2022.

Twelve wind turbines will produce the electricity consumption of some fifty thousand homes

The Serra de Punago-Vacariza wind project includes 12 wind turbines of 3.3 MW of unitary power, with a bushing height of 84 meters and a rotor diameter of 132 meters. The wind turbines will have a total power of 39.6 MW and an estimated annual production of 112.4GWh, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 50,000 homes. In addition, it will prevent the emission of some 89,000 tons of CO2 annually into the atmosphere, and other greenhouse gases.

“The Serra de Punago-Vacariza wind farm is installed in rural area of ??the province of Lugo, giving new use to the territory, perfectly compatible with agriculture or livestock and contributing to the creation of jobs. The renewable project will allow a more efficient and rational use of primary energy, which will reduce emissions of polluting gases and preserve environmental quality, “said María Landeira, responsible for the development of wind projects in Galicia by Naturgy. The construction of the Serra de Punago-Vacariza park will generate, in its different phases, some 280 jobs. For the construction, operation and maintenance of the park, the technical teams of Naturgy rely on different companies with a base and personnel in Galicia.

Naturgy bet for renewable energy in Galicia

Naturgy has an installed wind capacity of 304.6 MW in Galicia, with 13 wind farms in operation, and an annual production of 581 GWh in 2017. The power plant put into operation in 2015 the wind farm Cordal de Montouto and carried out in 2016 the first repowering of Galicia in the Cabo Vilano wind farm, replacing 22 wind turbines by 2, with an increase in production of 400%.

The energy company, which reaffirms its commitment to renewable energy in Galicia, has planned an investment of around 200 million euros to develop nearly 200 megawatts between 2018 and 2019.