The big reductions that will be in the costs of the ecological technology, the solar energy and the wind energy of the world for 2050. Thus it was projected Bloomberg in a new New Energy Outlook 2019 (NEO). In addition, it has been pointed out that these technologies have been reduced to more than 20 ° C.
“Our analysis of the electrical system reinforces a key message of the New Energy Perspectives: that solar photovoltaic modules, wind turbines and imaging batteries continue in cost reduction curves, of 28%, 14% and 18% respectively , for each duplication in the global installed capacity. By 2030, the energy generated and stored and then the networks reduced the electricity generated by the coal and gas plants in almost all parts, “explained Matthias Kimmel, Leader Analyst of NEO 2019.
Currently, in two thirds of the world, these two alternatives are redirection alternatives. In addition, demand for electricity is expected to increase by 62%, resulting in generation capacity that will almost triple by 2050.
While the solar and solar energy options of 7% of the current generation are projected to 48%, the percentages of hydroelectric energy, natural gas and nuclear energy are approximately level. On the contrary, the role of coal in the energy mix drops from the current 37% to 12%, while oil as an energy source is eliminated, says the specialized portal.
Energy and solar energy become 80% of the combination of electricity generation in several countries in the century, with the help of batteries.
Europe will decarbonize its network faster, with 92% of its electricity supplied by renewable sources by 2050. The main advantages of Western Europe in particular are on the way to decarbonizing carbon pricing networks and strong political support. The United States, with its abundance of cheap natural gas, and China, with its modern fleet of coal plants, continue to slow down.
China believes that its emissions in the electric sector will increase in 2026, and then fall more in the middle of the next twenty years. Asia’s electricity demand will more than double by 2050. With US $ 5.8 billion, the entire Asia Pacific region will account for almost half of all capital. China and India are an investment opportunity of US $ 4,300 million. The United States will see US $ 1,100 million invested in new capacity, with renewable energies more than double its generation share, up to 43% in 2050.
According to this year’s NEO, prospects for global emissions and maintenance temperature increases of 2 degrees or less are mixed. On the other hand, the accumulation of solar energy, wind and batteries are related to the world in a route that is compatible with these objectives at least until 2030.