Wind energy in Extremadura: advances second wind farm in Plasencia

Energy undertakes the study of the main permits to build another 15 wind turbines. The wind power project of a second wind farm in Plasencia, which would also be the second in Extremadura, begins its most important administrative phase. The General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines submits to public information the request for prior administrative authorization, the recognition of public utility, the urban qualification and the environmental impact study of El Merengue 2 wind farm.

Its promoter is Naturgy Renovables, the multinational that officially opened El Merengue 1 on February 15. This second project is located further south than it already works. Further from the town center.
The second wind farm planned in the municipality of Placentino has a nominal power of 49.5 megawatts, which makes the Regional Administration competent when deciding on its viability.

The Merengue 2 is presented with 15 wind turbines (the same from the first park). The total project execution budget amounts to 41 million. It is very possible that the Board will complete the administrative processing of the project before the end of the year or at the beginning of 2020. If there are no obstacles, it will begin its construction over the next year to be operational in 2021. This was announced in February by Manuel Fernández , general manager of Naturgy.

The manager stressed that El Merengue 1 has meant an investment of 40 million euros, has created 250 jobs and will produce electricity equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 44,000 homes.

Fourteen wind farm projects are in administrative phase before the Extremadura Administration. They add a power to install of 245 megawatts. Only the second planned in Plasencia can be seen in the medium term. Extremadura was until this year the only region next to Madrid without a single megawatt produced by wind energy.