Protermosolar and CIEMAT organize the technical day at GENERA 2020 The Solar Thermal Power Plants in Energy Planning in Spain.
Spain, unlike the rest of European countries, has ideal conditions for the deployment of concentrated solar power plants that will make the objectives of PNIEC easier and less expensive.

Solar thermal technology can also contribute
effectively to the reduction of industrial heat emissions and district
heating networks.
Protermosolar and CIEMAT organize the day The Solar Thermal Power Plants in Energy Planning of Spain, in Forum 2 of Hall 10 of the GENERA fair at the IFEMA in Madrid, which will take place on February 7.
During the day, Protermosolar will analyze how concentrating solar power plants are demonstrating their reliability, with productions exceeding 5 TWh on average in the last 5 years and, specifically, how the production of said average has been exceeded in 2019.
The solar thermal of the future will work replacing the photovoltaic production from the sunset, thanks to having stored during the day the energy coming from the sun in its thermal storage tanks, avoiding, in this way, the backup emissions that, otherwise, are would produce In addition, in the event that there are moments of photovoltaic or wind energy productions above the demand, they can collect this energy in their tanks with investments much lower than those of the batteries.
These advantages of the solar thermal power plants, together with many other socio-economic ones (high job creation, revitalization of the economy, economic convergence of regions, international leadership with contracts in the rest of the world… ), make them an essential piece to advance towards a decarbonised electrical system, such as the one proposed in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) with the Just Transition commitments.
On the day a series of presentations will also be made explaining the role that these CSP plants will play in the future scenario of the ecological transition, while explaining the solar thermal applications (in industry and air conditioning), where decarbonization is a pending subject and that the Solar Concentra technology platform has been actively promoting.
Likewise, CIEMAT will present an evolved methodology with respect to that used by Protermosolar in its Transition Report of the Electric Sector, which has been developed in the PSA using algorithms based on artificial intelligence. This new methodology confirms the conclusions of the Protermosolar report, consolidating it as a reference in the planning exercises.