The bet of the current government of El Salvador to diversify the energy matrix continues. For this year 2020, in the Municipality of Metapán, in the coming months, the first wind power plant in El Salvador will come into operation, in charge of the company VENTUS, it is a million dollar investment that will generate energy for 90,000 families. The wind farm will have Vestas wind turbines.
The first wind farm in El Salvador for the generation of electrical energy through the wind is being built in Metapán.
In the last days, the components for the assembly of the plant have arrived in the country. Government and private companies have joined forces for what will be the largest wind power plant in the region.
Ventus is owned by the Thrace Network Corporation and will have an installed capacity of 50 megawatts (MW), it is expected to start operating later this year.
The work is financed by several banks in El Salvador.
As President Nayib Bukele said, the country works to make the country’s energy 100% clean and renewable.
Thus, the Government of Bukele, through the Empresa Transmisora ??de El Salvador, S.A. DE C.V. (ETESAL) continues to support investments that contribute to the growth and development of El Salvador’s energy matrix.