Voltalia starts wind farm in Brazil

The wind farm will use wind turbines manufactured by Nordex, with 3.46 megavatios each, which will be combined into one supplier in Brazil.

The French electric company Voltalia will inform the start of wind power generation work in Brazil and the start of an operation for the sale of wind energy certificates in any country, with Itaú Unibanco.

The wind power plant in Rio Grande do Norte, with 59 megavatios of capacity, is expected to operate in the first half of 2021, while the agreement with Itaú will involve 547 thousand clean energy certificates for a period of time, said Voltalia in other communications.

The wind farm will use wind turbines manufactured by Nordex, with 3.46 megavatios each, which will be assembled in one supplier in Brazil.

Voltalia said that part of the future production was negotiated with distribution companies, under contracts for 20 years from 2023, under a sub-contract made by the Brazilian government. The rest (52 megavatios) is sold to the buyer without revealing for 10 years from 2022.

The Voltalia negotiation with clean energy certificates implies a tracking system and a platform for issuing certificates from the Totum Institute, called REC Brazil, according to the company.

The contract with Itaú Unibanco involved a total of 547 thousand REC Brazil associated with a Voltalia wind farm service in Rio Grande do Norte and its production in 2019.

“In addition to the seven wind farms involved in the transaction, the company is certifying six others that could also issue certificates,” says a French company on a note.

Each certificate is equivalent to 1 MWh in electricity produced from renewed fuels. In order to issue RECs from Brazil, companies must be audited and show the origin of the energy associated with them.