Within the framework of its 2016-2020 Global Eco-efficiency Plan, BBVA signed an agreement in Argentina to purchase wind energy, a technology that provides clean energy from wind turbines that transform wind energy into electricity.
The company has signed a five-year extension contract with Central Puerto, for the purchase of renewable energy from the Vientos la Genoveva II Park in Bahia Blanca. With this agreement, BBVA is positioned as one of the pioneering financial entities in joining the Term Market for Renewable Energies (MATER), a regulated market within which the purchase and sale of renewable energy between private parties take place.
As of August 1, the Reconquista 199 building covers an average of 80% of its energy demand with a non-polluting source. In addition, about 1,500 tons of carbon dioxide will be reduced per year, an important step towards the decarbonization target.
“At BBVA we are aware of and responsible for our impact on the environment, and with the aim of building an increasingly sustainable and eco-efficient bank, we signed an agreement that contributes to reducing our carbon footprint,” said Fabián Montiel, Property Manager , Services and Labor Relations of BBVA in Argentina.