Alberto Fernández today toured the Arauco Sapém wind farm inaugurated in 2011 as an Argentine industrial development, located in the foothills of Anillaco. “This is a place that all Argentines know, La Rioja gave a president from here,” recalled the president in obvious allusion to Carlos Saúl Menem.
The President arrived accompanied by a delegation made up of the Interior Ministers, Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro; of Production, Matías Kulfas; and Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta. Also by his side were the General Secretaries of the Presidency, Julio Vitobello; and that of Communication and Press, Juan Pablo Biondi. The only activity it carried out was a visit to the aforementioned wind farm, where it announced investments.
The president said in his speech: “We are a unique generation in history: the generation of the pandemic. We have had to learn to follow our days, taking distance, covering our nose and mouth, avoiding hugs. Stopping sharing the moments of encounter. And with all that, this new need imposed on us by the virus, we are also the generation that does not lower its arms, that continues to invest, that continues to produce and generate work. That in this difficult moment he does not forget those who have the least and need the most ”.
The first president, described himself as “the first standard-bearer” to defend the advantages of wind energy. “We are making a different country. Part of that different country is thinking about renewable energy. One of the lessons that the pandemic left us is that when human beings locked ourselves in and stopped burning fossil fuels, the air was cleaner and the water more crystalline. We have to take that teaching
In his brief speech, he not only obliquely alluded to the former president of La Rioja, but also to the city of Buenos Aires: “This idea of ??a central Argentina with other peripheral Argentines is an idea that I detest,” said the President, and maintained that the Government “He does not lower his arms or forget those who need him most.”