GE Renewable Energy and European Energy add substantial wind power to Lithuania

GE Renewable Energy and European Energy add substantial wind power to LithuaniaGE Renewable Energy selected by European Energy to supply 22 Cypress onshore wind turbines units for three wind farms in Lithuania. The 121 MW wind energy project strengthens GE Renewable Energy’s position in the country. Deal includes a 25-year service contract. GE Renewable Energy … Continue reading GE Renewable Energy and European Energy add substantial wind power to Lithuania

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The first 100 days: A clean energy roadmap

2021 brings a changing of the guard in Washington, D.C.—a new Presidential administration will be sworn in and Congress will be full of newly-elected members. That means there’s a host of officials we need to educate about the many ways clean energy can lead our post-pandemic economy recovery while making meaningful progress in the fight … Continue reading The first 100 days: A clean energy roadmap

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AWEA Releases 2021 Clean Energy Road Map

100-Day Plan details pathway to unlocking economic growth, achieving rapid renewable energy deployment to reach clean energy and climate targets. Next year brings renewed prospects for America to support renewable energy and, in turn, address climate change, while creating hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs, providing enormous social and health benefits, ensuring energy security and … Continue reading AWEA Releases 2021 Clean Energy Road Map

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The East African Rift: Realising the Region’s Geothermal Potential

The East African Rift System (EARS) is one of the largest rifts in the world. Characterised by a spreading crust, the tectonically active region spans 6,400 kilometres in length and up to 64 kilometres in width and runs through several countries in Eastern Africa. The geological attributes of the EARS make it so rich in … Continue reading The East African Rift: Realising the Region’s Geothermal Potential

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Nordex optimizes wind energy production of legacy wind turbines with vortex generators

The Nordex Group has optimized the aerodynamics of the rotor blades of a total of 80 N100/2500 wind turbines for the long-standing Turkish customer, Eksim. By installing the vortex generators, the power output of the older generation turbines will be increased by up to 2%. The Nordex Group offers its customers the vortex generator upgrade … Continue reading Nordex optimizes wind energy production of legacy wind turbines with vortex generators

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Wind energy will leave € 1,200 million in Teruel

Forestalia and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have announced an alliance by which they will carry out a portfolio of 27 wind farms in the province of Teruel that will reach a total capacity of more than 1 GW. According to Europa Press, the project will have a construction process of 3 years and will be … Continue reading Wind energy will leave € 1,200 million in Teruel

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Best practice events on Health & Safety (H&S) in wind energy

In September and October, a series of best practice events on Health & Safety (H&S) in wind energy were hosted by WindEurope, Eclareon and The Renewables Consulting Group. The events showcased H&S measures taken in different countries based on the WindHarmony project results, funded by the European Commission. The project explored the potential for harmonisation … Continue reading Best practice events on Health & Safety (H&S) in wind energy

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Partnership to ensure the sustainable development of offshore wind energy

16 November saw the launch of a new Offshore Energy and Nature Coalition.  It’s an new partnership between leading environmental NGOs, transmission system operators and the wind industry.  They are going to work together to ensure Europe delivers its planned expansion of offshore wind while at the same time preserving nature and marine ecosystems. Europe … Continue reading Partnership to ensure the sustainable development of offshore wind energy

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ACWA Power consortium wins Red Sea Project utilities deal

The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) has awarded its highest-value contract to date to a consortium led by ACWA Power to design, build, operate and transfer The Red Sea Project’s utilities infrastructure. The contract, procured as an independent public-private partnership (PPP), will cover the design, construction and operation of the systems providing utilities, accompanied by … Continue reading ACWA Power consortium wins Red Sea Project utilities deal

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Wind power in South Africa, Kangnas Wind Farm kicks off operations

Two years after construction kicked-off, Kangnas Wind Farm achieved commercial operations on 15 November 2020, making it the first bid window four wind farm, in the Northern Cape, to come on stream as part of government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). According to a media release, this wind farm will generate enough … Continue reading Wind power in South Africa, Kangnas Wind Farm kicks off operations

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Renewable energy capacity is expected to increase by 4% this year

The report, released on Tuesday, is an update to the IEA’s May forecast, which was released when the COVID-19 pandemic was shutting down economies around the world. The updated report provides analysis and forecasts through 2025 on the impact that COVID-19 will have on renewables.MORE: Green cement: Startup aims to solve construction’s carbon emissions problem … Continue reading Renewable energy capacity is expected to increase by 4% this year

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IRENA drives UN Climate Action Pathway on Energy

2020 was meant to be the “year of climate action,” with more ambitious national climate plans due under the Paris Agreement. While 2020 has so far brought loss and uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic being the most urgent threat today, it cannot be forgotten that climate change remains the biggest long-term threat to humanity and … Continue reading IRENA drives UN Climate Action Pathway on Energy

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Could floating wind turbines power our homes?

Wind turbines floating miles out to sea could one day provide electricity to our homes, experts believe. Wales currently meets about 50% of its needs from renewable sources, including solar and wind. Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants to see fixed offshore wind farms power UK homes by 2030, while Plaid Cymru believes Wales could be … Continue reading Could floating wind turbines power our homes?

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Refractaris proposes the new international standard for thermal insulation in concentrated solar power

The Andalusian company Refractaris, based in Montemayor, has proposed a new international standard for thermal insulation for concentrating solar power plants for study and approval. This standard will facilitate the minimum standardization required in thermal insulation of solar thermal power plants in the world and will strengthen their development possibilities in the coming years. The … Continue reading Refractaris proposes the new international standard for thermal insulation in concentrated solar power

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Nordex extends wind energy capacity to 6 GW

The Nordex Group (ISIN: DE000A0D6554) today confirmed its preliminary figures announced on 9 November 2020. The Company increased its consolidated sales by 63 percent year-on-year in the first nine months of 2020 to EUR 3,167.4 million (9M 2019: EUR 1,943.0 million). This growth is mainly attributable to the significant increase in installations and production in … Continue reading Nordex extends wind energy capacity to 6 GW

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GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW, most powerful wind turbine operating to date, obtains full type certificate

Rigorous third-party certification process for Haliade-X successfully completedHaliade-X technology has already been selected as the preferred wind turbine for 4.8 GW of projects in the US and the UKWind turbine is driving down the cost of offshore wind energy, one of the factors contributing to global growth. GE Renewable Energy announced today that its Haliade-X … Continue reading GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW, most powerful wind turbine operating to date, obtains full type certificate

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Looking back at 2020’s wind education curriculum

Bridget Williams November 12, 2020 There’s no question that 2020 has been a year for the books. Despite the challenges we’ve all faced, the American wind power continued to innovate and expand. Here at AWEA, we reworked our conferences and events to continue bringing the industry together and providing meaningful, relevant educational content. As a … Continue reading Looking back at 2020’s wind education curriculum

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A new global standard for energy at low wind sites; the SG 4.7-155 wind turbine gears up for launch

The latest addition to the Siemens Gamesa 4.X platform will have a 155-meter rotor, optimizing energy production at low wind sites Siemens Gamesa has added a new turbine to its 4.X platform, the SG 4.7-155, combining the company’s expertise and track-record in the 4 MW segment with a 155-meter rotor and state of the art … Continue reading A new global standard for energy at low wind sites; the SG 4.7-155 wind turbine gears up for launch

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Nordex receives order for 302 MW wind power in the US

The Nordex Group has received another large order for the N149/4.0-4.5 from the Delta4000 series. A wind farm developer has placed an order with the Nordex Group for 63 wind turbines for a project in the United States. The project and customer are undisclosed. In the summer of 2021 the Nordex Group will be starting … Continue reading Nordex receives order for 302 MW wind power in the US

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