Coronavirus paralyzes wind energy jobs in Spain

The coronavirus outbreak in Spain has forced the government to declare a state of emergency and impose extraordinary measures and restrictions, which have resulted in the closure of factories in the country in at least two large companies in the wind power industry. According to a report on Tuesday by the Europa Press news agency, … Continue reading Coronavirus paralyzes wind energy jobs in Spain

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Ørsted and Good Energy Extend Westermost Rough Co-Op

Ørsted and Good Energy Group have signed a renewal of an agreement under which the UK company will source power from the Westermost Rough offshore wind farm for its customers for a further three years. The agreement continues to secure 12% of the output of the 210MW wind farm located 8km off the Yorkshire coast … Continue reading Ørsted and Good Energy Extend Westermost Rough Co-Op

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Concentrated Solar Power Storage for a 100% Clean Energy Southwest

A recent forum in Sacramento sponsored by the World Bank and SolarPACES brought together Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) developers with energy buyers in the US western states to learn from each other how CSP’s low cost thermal energy storage (CSP+TES) fits in with a future 100% renewable grid. The ATA Insights forum; The Role of … Continue reading Concentrated Solar Power Storage for a 100% Clean Energy Southwest

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ENGIE successfully refuels the world’s first renewable hydrogen passenger train in test in the Netherlands

ENGIE, a leader in the zero-carbon transition, successfully refueled a hydrogen passenger train in a pilot test in the Northern Netherlands that took place between February 27 and March 11. The testing of Coradia iLint, the world’s first renewable hydrogen passenger train, is led by the Netherlands’ province  of Groningen,  and jointly conducted with Alstom, … Continue reading ENGIE successfully refuels the world’s first renewable hydrogen passenger train in test in the Netherlands

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Too early to assess the impact of COVID-19 on European wind energy deployment

The European wind power industry is the global leader in the wind turbine market, realising projects in more than 80 countries world-wide. As such, our companies rely on both European and global supply chains for raw materials and components. The COVID-19 virus is impeding international trade, creating delays and uncertainties for different industrial sectors. As … Continue reading Too early to assess the impact of COVID-19 on European wind energy deployment

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How Coronavirus Is Disrupting Solar and Wind Energy Production

As the coronavirus outbreak rages on, renewable energy is taking a hit. Factory shutdowns in China have disrupted global supply chains for wind turbines and solar panels, with consequences for clean energy progress this year around the world. The spread of COVID-19, now declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, is expected to slow … Continue reading How Coronavirus Is Disrupting Solar and Wind Energy Production

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Ghenova and CAPSUN Technologies jointly developed SPIRE project, taking integrated PV & Concentrated Solar Power technology

Ghenova and CAPSUN Technologies have jointly developed the SPIRE project, a disruptive technology that integrates the best features of Photovoltaic Plants (PV) and Concentrated Solar Plants (CSPs). The concept is simple: by means of a selective optical filter, the light spectrum is divided. The filter allows the efficient passage of the radiation used by the … Continue reading Ghenova and CAPSUN Technologies jointly developed SPIRE project, taking integrated PV & Concentrated Solar Power technology

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WWEA welcomes Tasmania as a global renewable energy leader with its 200% renewable energy target

The Government of the Australian state of Tasmania has just announced a long-term strategy for the island in which it sets not a 100% but a 200% renewable energy target for the year 2040. The announcement made by Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein follows a previous commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2022.  The new strategy … Continue reading WWEA welcomes Tasmania as a global renewable energy leader with its 200% renewable energy target

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The German wind energy market has fallen to just around 1 GW of new installations in 2019

The German wind power market has fallen to just around 1 GW of new wind farm installations in 2019, from an average of 4 GW a year not long ago. The German Government has correctly identified permitting issues as the main problem. In September 2019 Minister Altmaier presented an 18-point working plan to improve the … Continue reading The German wind energy market has fallen to just around 1 GW of new installations in 2019

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German offshore wind energy can deliver at least 20 GW by 2030

On March 13th the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy will discuss with industry representatives how to deliver the planned new 20 GW target for offshore wind by 2030. Germany has gone slow in its build-out of offshore wind. Germany now has an opportunity to put offshore wind back on track. They could comfortably … Continue reading German offshore wind energy can deliver at least 20 GW by 2030

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OX2 awards Nordex contract for 48 MW wind farm in Sweden

The Nordex Group has again received an order from Nordic developer OX2. The Nordex Group will supply 12 N149/4.0-4.5 wind turbines for the 48 MW Ljungbyholm wind farm. The order also includes a premium service of the wind turbines with a term of 30 years. The “Ljungbyholm” wind power project will be built near the … Continue reading OX2 awards Nordex contract for 48 MW wind farm in Sweden

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GWEC and RE100 join forces to accelerate corporate sourcing of renewable electricity in emerging markets

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) is entering a new partnership with The Climate Group’s RE100 initiative to spur greater corporate commitment to renewable electricity sourcing in emerging markets. GWEC is the neutral representative body for the global wind industry, representing leading wind energy manufacturers, developers, utilities IPPs and service companies. RE100 brings together more … Continue reading GWEC and RE100 join forces to accelerate corporate sourcing of renewable electricity in emerging markets

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Renewable energy generation jumped 77 percent during 2010’s

The Business Council for Sustainable Energy released its annual Sustainable Energy in America Factbook today, and the findings are striking—the 2010’s really were the decade renewable energy went mainstream. In fact, renewable energy generation increased by 77 percent between 2010 and 2019, transforming the way we power American homes and businesses. A clean energy transformation … Continue reading Renewable energy generation jumped 77 percent during 2010’s

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EDF to carry out offshore wind energy project in China

China Energy Investment Corporation (China Energy) reported that it has signed an agreement with French energy giant EDF Group to jointly develop an offshore wind farm in east China’s Jiangsu province. The joint venture wind turbines project has a total investment of 7.9 billion yuan ($ 1.13 billion) and is the first of its kind … Continue reading EDF to carry out offshore wind energy project in China

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Measures to Strengthen Preparedness and Continuity of Operations Due to COVID-19

Notification by the Director-General of IRENA I would like to inform IRENA Members, States-in-Accession and partner entities that, after careful consideration, the IRENA Secretariat has decided not to hold any physical meetings during March and April at its premises in Abu Dhabi, Bonn, New York and elsewhere. This exceptional measure aims to contain the spread … Continue reading Measures to Strengthen Preparedness and Continuity of Operations Due to COVID-19

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Iberdrola guarantees the electricity supply and activates its action plan to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

Iberdrola, which provides an essential service for the population, reinforces the normal functioning of its facilities and critical and strategic activities with a battery of 65 specific measures.The group’s president, Ignacio Galán, has informed the staff of the measures taken and has appealed to the great sense of responsibility always shown by Iberdrola workers to … Continue reading Iberdrola guarantees the electricity supply and activates its action plan to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

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Wind energy becomes the first technology in Spain

Wind energy becomes the first installed power technology in the peninsula, ahead of the combined cycle that until now had been the leader. The year 2019 has marked a turning point in the transition of the peninsular electricity system towards a sustainable energy model. The integration of 6,528 MW of new renewable generation has meant … Continue reading Wind energy becomes the first technology in Spain

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Offshore wind’s once-in-a-generation opportunity

Greg Alvarez We’ve talked a lot in this space about offshore wind’s potential benefits, from job creation to supply chain opportunities and harnessing a new clean energy source next to many of the country’s largest population centers. Now, a first-of-its-kind report measures just how big offshore wind’s windfall could be. New jobs by the thousands … Continue reading Offshore wind’s once-in-a-generation opportunity

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U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Poised for Exponential Growth

The U.S. offshore wind energy industry is set to deliver significant economic benefits over the next decade, according to the new report, U.S. Offshore Wind Power Economic Impact Assessment, released today by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). In addition to providing clean, affordable, and reliable power, AWEA estimates that developing 30,000 megawatts (MW) of … Continue reading U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Poised for Exponential Growth

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We need a more strategic approach to wind energy

Today the European Commission presented its European Industrial Strategy which aims to boost the competitiveness of European industry as it embarks on the twin green and digital transitions. The document is clear on the need for the EU to adopt a more strategic approach to the renewable energy industries in the context of “a substantial … Continue reading We need a more strategic approach to wind energy

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