The Spanish infrastructure, energy, services and telecommunications group Elecnor is building 5 wind farms in Galicia for 64.3 million euros. In the same way, Elecnor will carry out maintenance, operation and control during the first 24 months. The contract has been awarded to Elecnor by Greenalia, a company dedicated to the generation and sale of electrical energy from wind, photovoltaic solar and biomass.
The Miñón, Ourol, Croa I, Croa II and Monte Tourado parks are located in the provinces of La Coruña and Lugo. This project involves the installation of 19 turbines, of which 14 will be in the parks of La Coruña and the rest in the province of Lugo. Elecnor, through the contracts with Enercon and Gamesa, is responsible for supplying and installing these wind turbines. The five wind farms will add a total power to the network of 74.22 MW and will supply electricity to 45,000 homes in this region. The Miñon park is already in the operation and maintenance phase, the construction of Ourol was recently completed and the other 3 parks are in the initial phase of execution.
In addition to the installation of the wind turbines, the contract includes the construction of two substations of 132 and 66 Kv and the installation of an 8-kilometer high-voltage overhead line. The installation of all of the medium voltage and fiber optic networks and the design and construction of the civil infrastructure of the parks will also be carried out.