The Spanish Wind Association (AEE) has awarded nabla wind hub with the Eolo Award 2021 in the innovation category. This first position has been awarded to our “Retipping” project for V80 and V90.
The Retipping project consists of extending the rotor diameter for Vestas V80, V90 2MW and V90 3MW models using tip extensions. This Rerotoring solution aims to unlock the hidden potential that the site-specific conditions are allowing by increasing the Annual Energy Production (AEP) of the wind farms. This solution delivers AEP
increases of up to 15% without compromising loads, without requiring controller adjustments, and without any impact in the original blades (it can be cleanly reverted).
The key for achieving this objective lies in nabla’s independent aeroelastic models and blades’ design capacities, which allow the calculation of different operating scenarios with very low uncertainty. In this process, all the different situations are analysed to guarantee the structural safety of the wind turbine, verifying with a specific
site suitability report the extreme loads, blade deflections towards the tower and the fatigue.
In addition, the Retipping is presented as a plug & play solution, designed to be installed in 8h hours (per rotor), without the need of using an elevator platform.
Retipping will be a key solution to improve the performance of wind ageing wind turbines, and a game changer in the post-subsidies wind industry market