In an interview External link, opens in new window. with the auditing company KPMG in Spain, Iberdrola chairman Ignacio Galán talks about the opportunities presented by the profound transformation in the Spanish economy, the country’s resources and the importance of public-private partnerships:
- “Iberdrola has made environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles the basis of its business model”, which has led it to become a global leader in renewables and to involve its entire value chain in this requirement.
- “A greener economy is also a source of wealth generation and an opportunity to change our economic model towards one that is more competitive, more prosperous, more resilient and one with more and better jobs”.
- “Thanks to smart grids, it is possible to better respond to the growing demand for more personalised products and services and to more actively manage electricity consumption”.
- “There is still work to be done to: make legal certainty a differentiating factor in our competitiveness, align taxation with the ‘polluter pays’ principle, simplify and streamline administrative procedures for clean energy projects, promote training and innovation to accelerate technologies such as green hydrogen and to ensure through verification mechanisms that the recovery funds are allocated efficiently”.