On August 31st 2021, the Nordex Group installed the first N163/5.X wind turbine in the Delta4000 series as planned in the citizen wind farm “Janneby” in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. With its approx. 80-metre rotor blades and a rotor sweep of 20,867 square metres, the N163/5.X is currently the most efficient Nordex turbine in the 5MW class for moderate and light-wind sites.
José Luis Blanco, CEO of the Nordex Group: “We launched the N163/5.X in 2019. Now we have installed the first turbine as planned and series production is ready to start. To date we already have orders for the N163/5.X for 520 turbines with a capacity of approx. 3.0 GW from numerous customers for projects in Australia, Brazil, the Nordic region, Germany and Italy. This once again underlines the high level of confidence in the turbine technology of our Delta4000 series with its variable maximum capacity, which has been available since 2017.
For the global markets, the N163/5.X has already been awarded international IEC certification in the form of a Design Evaluation Conformity Statements, DECS, for hub heights of 118, 148 and 159 metres. For the German market, the type tests according to DIBT 2012 have already been passed for hub heights of 118 and 164 metres.
In the coming months the requisite power and sound measurements as well as validation of mechanical loads will be conducted in Janneby for IEC type certification.
The Group has installed more than 35 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2020 generated revenues of around EUR 4.6 billion. The company currently has more than 8,500 employees. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 5.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements of countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.