The acquisition of the Spanish company includes 9 wind farms, with 632 MW of capacity in the country.
Statkraft announced the purchase of Enerfín, a renewable subsidiary of the Spanish company Elecnor. The transaction will expand the company’s wind farm portfolio to 2 GW in Brazil, one of the three largest in the country, according to the company.
The purchase includes new Enerfín wind farms in Brazil, of 632 MW. The projects are located in Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte. There are 68 MW under construction, located in the State of Pernambuco. “The transaction also includes a strong pipeline of projects in various stages of development,” the company said in a statement.
For Fernando De Lapuerta, general director of Statkraft Brazil, the acquisition further strengthens the company’s global expansion plans.
“The transaction confirms, once again, our commitment to the Brazilian market. The country is strategic for us and we intend to continue working to contribute to an increasingly renewable Brazilian matrix. This year has been very positive in terms of acquisitions and projects under construction. For 2024, one of our main focuses will be the integration of Enerfín’s activities with our company.”
This is Statkraft’s third acquisition this year in Brazil. In August, the company purchased two wind farms from EDP Renováveis, in Rio Grande do Norte. And in September it acquired 18.69% of the capital of Statkraft Energias Renováveis (SKER), which belonged to the Federal Foundation of Economists (Funcef).
Also this year, Statkraft obtained approval from the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) for seven grants for its first solar projects in Bahia. Together they add up to 228 MW of installed capacity and will operate in hybrid format with the current Brotas de Macaúbas, Morro do Cruzeiro and Ventos de Santa Eugênia Wind Complexes, the latter being the company’s largest undertaking outside Europe.
Headquartered in Florianópolis (SC), the company currently controls 19 renewable generation assets in Brazil, with around 450 MW of installed power in operation, wind and hydroelectric power, and more than 600 MW of wind power under construction in the state. from Bahia.