The association reported that there are 2.3 million solar photovoltaic systems in the country.
Own generation of photovoltaic solar energy has just surpassed the mark of 26 gigawatts (GW) of installed power in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings in Brazil, with more than 3.3 million consumer units served by the company. technology, reported the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (Absolar).
According to the entity, the country has more than 2.3 million solar photovoltaic systems installed on roofs, facades and small plots of land.
Since 2012, there were close to R$ 130.7 billion in new investments, which generated more than 780.1 thousand jobs accumulated in the period, spread across all regions of Brazil, and represent a contribution to the public coffers of R$ 39.2 billion.
When calculating the costs and benefits of so-called distributed generation, a recent study by the specialized consulting firm Volt Robotics, commissioned by Absolar, concluded that the net savings on the electricity bill of all Brazilians will be more than R$ 84.9 billion until 2031.
According to the study, the net benefits of distributed generation are equivalent to an average value of R$ 403.9 per megawatt-hour (MWh) in the structure of the national electrical system, compared to an average residential rate calculated by the National Agency of Electric Energy of R$ 729 per MWh.
The objective of the study was to calculate the costs and benefits of distributed microgeneration and minigeneration, according to article 17 of Law No. 14,300, of January 6, 2022, which established the legal framework for the segment.
For Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of Absolar, with solar energy the country can, in a short time, make the Brazilian electrical matrix even cleaner and more renewable.
“Although the 3.3 million consumer units powered by distributed solar energy are cause for celebration, there is still much room for growth, as Brazil has around 92.4 million electricity consumer units in the captive market,” evaluated, pointing to Australia as an example, which through public policies promoted solar sources, which today represent 30% of all energy generation in that country.
In Brazil, the solar source varies according to seasonality and on Sunday the 21st it represented around 10% of daily electricity generation, surpassing wind and nuclear sources.