Projections indicate that installed photovoltaic capacity should reach 45 GW in 2024.
Brazil surpassed the mark of 39 GW in installed photovoltaic capacity of solar energy in the sum of GC (Centralized Generation) and DG (Distributed Generation), according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).
According to the regulatory body, in February of last year the country had 25 GW of installed photovoltaic power. Since then, there has been an increase of 14 GW, which corresponds to 56%.
Distributed generation
Currently, in solar photovoltaic DG, the country has around 26.8 GW of installed capacity, distributed in 2.3 million photovoltaic systems. Furthermore, these systems serve almost 3.5 million consumer units in 5,547 Brazilian municipalities (99.5% of the country’s cities).
The leading states are São Paulo and Minas Gerais, both with more than 3.5 GW installed. At this point, 10 states have already surpassed the 1 GW capacity mark.
The consumption classes most served by the segment are commercial and residential, with 7.79 GW and 12.93 GW, respectively.
In the GC segment, the country currently has 12.22 GW of installed capacity in more than 18 thousand plants in operation. Around 170 new photovoltaic plants are already under construction, which will add another 7.2 GW.
In February last year, the installed capacity in DG and GC was 17.29 GW and 7.72 GW respectively. That is, there has been a growth since then of 9.5 GW in DG and 4.5 GW in GC.
Conservative projections from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) for 2024 indicate that Brazil should end the year with more than 45 GW of installed capacity.