Brazil has just surpassed the historical mark of 40 gigawatts (GW) of installed photovoltaic solar energy capacity, the Brazilian Solar Energy Association (Absolar) informed Broadcast (real-time news system of the State Group). The volume includes large solar plants and own energy generation systems on roofs, facades and small plots of land.
According to the entity’s mapping, the participation of solar sources is currently equivalent to 17.4% of the Brazilian electrical matrix. In 2024 alone, the solar sector will already add 3 GW to the country. Since 2012, the solar source has contributed to Brazil more than R$ 189.4 billion in new investments, more than R$ 53 billion in income to public coffers and generated around 1.2 million reais. millions of green jobs accumulated.
According to Absolar calculations, the photovoltaic sector has already avoided the emission of 48.9 million tons of CO2 in electricity generation, thanks to the clean and renewable generation of the current 40 GW of solar sources active in the country.
“In addition to accelerating the decarbonization of economic activities and helping to combat global warming, solar sources play an increasingly strategic role in the competitiveness of productive sectors, energy independence and the prosperity of nations,” said the president. by Absolar, Rodrigo Sauaia
For the president of the entity’s Board of Directors, Ronaldo Koloszuk, Brazil’s rise in the global energy transition is largely driven by the expansion of solar photovoltaic generation.
“The gain in scale, the increase in efficiency and the cutting-edge technological evolution make solar energy one of the main vectors of sustainable transformation in Brazil and the world,” he stated.
In the distributed energy generation segment, there is 27.5 GW of installed power from solar sources. This is equivalent to around R$ 137.4 billion in investments, R$ 34.2 billion in income and more than 822 thousand green jobs accumulated since 2012, spread across the five regions of Brazil. Currently, solar technology is used in 99.9% of all distributed generation connections in the country, widely leading the segment.
Regarding centralized or large-scale generation, Brazil has around 12.5 GW of installed power in solar plants. Since 2012, large photovoltaic projects have contributed to the country around R$ 52 billion in new investments and more than 378 thousand accumulated green jobs, in addition to providing income to public coffers that exceeds R$ 18.8 billion.