José Donoso, general director of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (Unef), has been elected president of the Committee of the National Associations of SolarPower Europe and member of the Board of the European association.
In the words of Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe: “With our newly strengthened Board and through the appointment of José Donoso as President of the Council of National Associations, SolarPower Europe hopes to continue the work of positioning solar energy in Europe as an element of community transformation and prosperity.”

For José Donoso, current general director of Unef, his election represents “an opportunity to reinforce the positioning of the Spanish photovoltaic sector in the European framework and a new path for the European Union to culminate, through the effort and commitment of the sectoral associations. of the member states, a sustainable, fair energy transition with the capacity to generate security, inclusive employment and reindustrialization.”
For their part, the Solar Power Europe elections have brought with them a substantial reinforcement in the positioning of national sector associations through the creation of two new important positions, president and vice president, and a specific committee for their representation. These positions, which have been ratified by the General Assembly of the association, will be occupied respectively by José Donoso and Nikola Gazdov (Bulgarian Association for the Production, Storage and Trade of Electricity).
“I assume this appointment with the responsibility of being able to represent the interests of the European photovoltaic sector, while we continue working to find a path of collaboration with citizens, community institutions and member countries that allows us to complete a key energy transition for a continent especially affected by the climate emergency,” Donoso recalled.
The creation of this council of European national solar energy associations opens a new paradigm of representation of the European photovoltaic sector since, for the first time, all companies, regardless of their turnover or size, will be represented in SolarPower Europe, ensuring , in this way, a greater diversity of voices and opinions.