Naturgy develops 420 MW of photovoltaics near the old La Robla coal plant

Naturgy has obtained prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for two photovoltaic plants in the surroundings of the old La Robla coal plant (León), which will total 420 megawatts (MW) of installed potency.

These are the ‘La Pradera’ facilities, with an installed power of 195 MW, and ‘Los Corrales’, with 225 MW of power, which would represent an approximate investment of 350 million euros.

Both facilities would produce around 700 gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable energy per year, an amount equivalent to the consumption of more than 210,000 homes.
Naturgy is reviewing the implementation of the projects, which would increase the company’s production capacity in Castilla y León and contribute significantly to promoting the energy transition in the region.

In accordance with current regulations, the energy company has three months to inform the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of when it plans to carry out its implementation.
The group chaired by Francisco Reynés currently has around 6.5 gigawatts (GW) of installed renewable generation capacity in operation -3.3 GW of wind generation, 2.2 GW of hydroelectric generation and 1 GW of photovoltaic -, and expects end this 2024 with around 8 GW of operational installed capacity, to which should be added a pipeline of projects in development of almost 20 GW, mainly in Spain, Australia and the United States.
Naturgy is committed to the construction of more than 20 wind farms and photovoltaic plants in Spain, and an additional renewable capacity of 1.6 GW is expected to come into operation in the period 2024-2025.

Likewise, another of the company’s bets to be a protagonist in the energy transition are renewable gases, where it manages a total of 70 projects in different stages of progress, all of them in Spanish territory and focused on biomethane (60 projects) and hydrogen ( 10 projects).