The potential of floating wind energy in southern Europe

The folks at Aegir Insights always bring interesting maps and analytics about the offshore wind market. After the impressive results of the 250 MW French offshore wind auction, with a PPA of €86/MWh indexed, Aegir Insights wonders which will be the next markets and areas in southern Europe.

The following map shows the areas of interest, announced projects, those in development, and those in operation for floating wind in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, and Greece.

According to their newsletter, this price given in France could be feasible under favorable conditions, although there are voices suggesting it could be reckless. They anticipate that even lower prices could be possible in other markets in southern Europe.

An interesting point they reveal is that the locations for floating wind with the lowest LCoE in southern Europe could be in France and Spain, but the highest electricity market prices are in Italy and Greece (and therefore, higher expected revenues).

Sergio Fernández Munguía, Windletter #82