Enel is the company behind four of the six photovoltaic plants in Colombia

EPM inaugurated its first large-scale solar photovoltaic park. This is Tepuy, a generation space that covers 320 hectares in La Dorada, Caldas, and will have the capacity to produce 83 megawatts; A figure that automatically puts this project among the six largest in the country.

But when looking at the photovoltaic park in the national geography, Enel Colombia is the company behind the largest solar fields and accumulates investments of more than US$500 million in this array.

The company has the Guayepo, La Loma, Fundación and El Paso projects in its portfolio, which have a total capacity of around 688 megawatts; a contribution that the National Interconnected System (SIN) will receive once they are fully operational.

Guayepo, located in the department of Atlántico, is so far the largest solar field in Colombia; Its capacity totals 370 megawatts and gives its owner a boost in the race for the generation of non-conventional renewable sources.

When inaugurating the La Loma park, Alberto De Paoli, Rest of the World director of the Enel Group, stated that “the group is a leader in the energy transition worldwide and the inauguration of La Loma in Colombia, one of our core countries, highlights our firm commitment in this regard, promoting the role of renewables in the country’s energy matrix”.

Colombia has more than 80 solar projects that can deliver around 1,600 megawatts. But, for now, only six exceed a capacity of 50 megawatts. Apart from those that belong to Enel, the La Unión Solar Park is included there, which will be able to deliver 100 megawatts and belongs to SPK La Unión. And finally, Tepuy, owned by EPM, with a capacity of 83 megawatts.
Tepuy represents the first strong bet for EPM, a company that currently has a 35% share in the energy market and is also beginning to shape its matrix so as not to lose relevance in the non-conventional renewable segment.

In front of this solar park, John Maya, manager of the company, assured that “with its 83 megawatts of nominal power, which are enough to supply a city of approximately 400,000 inhabitants, we are increasing the energy generation capacity in Colombia and “We join the efforts of the electricity sector to reduce the system’s vulnerabilities in the face of climate variability phenomena, such as the one the country has just faced, and guarantee the reliability and continuity of the service in the coming years.”

Within the solar offer, it must be mentioned that Celsia is also an outstanding company. The data analyzed by LR indicate that, as of 2023, it had 17 solar projects totaling 300 megawatts and the company’s goal for 2025 is to expand that capacity to 1,000 megawatts.