With more than 23% of demand coverage, thanks to wind power, the price of electricity was reduced by 19% in 2023 in Spain

The Wind Yearbook, a reference publication prepared by the Wind Business Association (AEE), reflects the most representative data on the contribution of wind energy in Spain and in the world.

SPAIN IS A LEADER IN WIND GENERATION. Main figures of the sector:

Wind energy is the technology that contributes the most to our energy system, exceeding 23.5% of demand coverage in 2023 and 25% so far in 2024.
Spain surpasses the mark of 30 GW of installed wind power. We need to install 5.2 GW per year to achieve the objectives (62 GW wind, including 3 GW of offshore wind, by 2030).
In 2023, 607.2 MW of wind power will have been installed. The installation rate is well below that necessary to meet the objectives established by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC).
As of December 31, 2023, the total installed power in Spain was 30,425 MW. The more than 22,200 wind turbines installed in Spain in 1,371 wind farms generated 62,594 GWh of electricity, 2.4% more than in 2022.
The wind industry in Spain has 100% of the value chain with more than 280 manufacturing centers in 16 of the 17 Autonomous Communities.
47 provinces have wind generation, of which 20 generate more than 1 TWh of electricity thanks to the wind. Castilla y León with 6,517 MW is the autonomous community with the highest installed wind power and Aragón has been in 2023 the autonomous community that has stood out for its increase in wind power with 307 new MW, followed by Castilla La Mancha (92 MW) and Catalonia ( 60 MW).
Spanish wind power is the fifth power in the world in the ranking of countries with the highest installed wind power and the second in Europe.
Wind energy contributes more than 5.8 billion euros to the Spanish economy, 0.50% of GDP, with exports valued at more than 2.5 billion euros.
The wind sector in Spain currently employs 40,000 people, and this figure is expected to double by 2030.
Investment in R&D is a key and prominent point of wind technology:
Spain is the first developer of floating offshore wind prototypes
It is the third country in Europe and the 4th in the world in terms of applications for wind patents in Spain. The wind sector has made more than 350 publications of patent applications in Spain in 2022
From an environmental point of view, thanks to wind power, 32.7 million tons of CO2 are avoided each year in Spain.
Wind generation helps reduce the price of the daily electricity market: in 2023 the reducing effect of wind power was €20.41/MWh, which has meant a cumulative gross savings achieved by wind power of €5,321M to the consumers. That is, thanks to wind power, the price of electricity fell by 19%.

Spain has experienced notable progress in the installation of wind energy, surpassing the 30 GW mark. This achievement is a significant milestone for the energy sector and reflects the country’s commitment to the transition to cleaner and more sustainable sources. However, it is important to highlight that the figure of 607.23 MW installed in 2023, although positive, is well below the 5.2 GW per year necessary to meet the ambitious objectives established by the PNIEC.

The autonomous communities with the highest total installed wind power are Castilla y León (6,517 MW), Aragón (5,229.11 MW) and Castilla La Mancha (4,878.34 MW).

With respect to the new installed power during 2023, the ranking of the autonomous communities is headed by Aragon (307 MW), Castilla La Mancha (92 MW), Catalonia (60.48 MW), Extremadura (50 MW) and Andalusia (36 MW ).

Regarding the provinces, Zaragoza remains in first position, generating 15% of all Spanish wind generation in 2023.

Currently, in Spain, there are 47 provinces with wind generation, of which 20 generate more than 1 TWh of electricity thanks to the wind.
Wind power generates electricity for more than 17 million homes in Spain.

Wind generation contributes significantly to reducing the price of the daily electricity market, this is a great benefit to Spanish consumers, and a great competitive advantage over neighboring countries. The gross savings from wind power in 2023 have been lower than in 2022, mainly due to the fact that the price of MW/h in 2023 has been 48% lower than the previous year.

In 2023 the Reducing Effect of wind power was €20.41/MWh, which has meant a cumulative gross savings achieved by wind power of €5,321 M for consumers. That is, thanks to wind power, the price of electricity fell by 19%.

The wind industry installed a record 116.6 GW of new capacity in 2023 and the second highest for offshore wind (11 GW), making it the best year ever for new wind energy. It represents a year-on-year increase of 50% compared to 2022.

The year 2023 has been a year of continued growth for wind energy globally, 54 countries on all continents built new wind energy, with the Asia Pacific region leading the growth and China consolidating itself as the country with the largest installed wind capacity by global level. Wind energy continues to play a key role in the transition to a more sustainable and decarbonized energy system around the world.

The sector passed the symbolic milestone of 1 TW installed globally and, at the same time, continuing with this growth, it is expected to exceed 2 TW before 2030. At the end of last year there were already 81 countries with more than 100 MW of wind power installed.

Furthermore, the historic adoption at COP28 of a goal of tripling renewable energy by 2030 to accelerate the energy transition process and put the planet on a path to compliance with the Paris Agreement, demonstrated the extent to which the world needs wind energy to achieve its climate goals.

Wind energy now covers 19% of Europe’s electricity demand and much more in many countries such as 55% in Denmark; Ireland 34%; United Kingdom 28%; Portugal 26% and Germany 26%. In Spain, it currently covers 25%.

The European Commission estimates that wind energy will account for half of Europe’s electricity by 2050, with wind energy capacity increasing from the current 220 GW to up to 1,300 GW. This implies a 25-fold increase in offshore wind energy in the EU. But most of the GW capacity increase will come from onshore wind.

It is estimated that 18 GW per year of new capacity will be installed in the EU until 2027. But 30 GW per year would be necessary to meet the objectives established in REPowerEU.