Launch of the BATSO Project to Optimize Heavy Maintenance of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Funded with €2.9 million by ADEME as part of France 2030 (a French State Investment Plan) and in response to the DEMO Tase call for projects, the BATSO project aims to define and validate tools and methods for the replacement of major components in offshore wind turbines. These methods are intended to be less costly and more environmentally sustainable.

Currently, the replacement of major components in floating wind turbines (Major Components Replacement – MCR) is a complex operation that requires heavy lifting equipment and towing the turbines to port. The existing solutions are very expensive, both financially and environmentally.

The objective of this research project is to reduce the costs associated with the maintenance of floating wind turbines by performing these operations directly at sea. This will make floating wind energy more competitive in terms of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). To achieve this, the BATSO project looks towards a technology already used in onshore wind energy, namely lifting from a crane mounted on the nacelle and developing guiding solutions along the tower.

These offshore operations will help reduce the environmental impact of floating wind turbines. The carbon footprint savings and reduction in electricity costs compared to maintenance solutions requiring towing to port will be measured and quantified.

Finally, this project will showcase France’s technological leadership in the field of floating wind energy. Demonstrating the feasibility of MCR operations at sea as quickly as possible will strengthen the position of French stakeholders in the floating wind turbine heavy maintenance market.

Planned for three years, this research and development project brings together several industrial and academic players:

  • BW Ideol, as the designer and builder of the Damping Pool® floating technology and maintenance provider.
  • Centrale Nantes, for basin testing and designing cable robot system models.
  • EDF Renewables, as a project developer, offshore wind farm operator, and maintenance provider.
  • The OPEN-C Foundation, leader in offshore testing and operator of the proposed test site.

We are delighted to receive support from ADEME for the BATSO project. Addressing the challenges of heavy maintenance for offshore wind turbines is crucial for establishing a robust floating wind sector in France. These new maintenance products and services, which are less costly and more environmentally friendly, can be deployed in the floating wind market at pilot and pre-commercial farms by 2027, and at commercial farms by 2030. We will make our Floatgen turbine, whose lifespan has been extended by an additional five years, available to accommodate such Research & Development projects,”commented Paul de la Guérivière, co-founder and CEO of BW Ideol.

A maintenance vessel docks at Floatgen, BW Ideol’s first floating wind turbine in France, installed at the SEM-REV site operated by the Open-C Foundation off the coast of Le Croisic.

Credits: BW Ideol / V. Joncheray 

Jean-Baptiste Avrillier, Director of Centrale Nantes, expressed his enthusiasm: “Centrale Nantes is very excited to participate in the BATSO project, which brings together the expertise of two laboratories, LS2N and LHEEA, on the theme of offshore wind turbine maintenance. Our expertise will enable the design and development of a lifting system adapted to marine constraints, as well as the numerical and experimental modeling of lifting operations on floating platforms, ultimately benefiting the environmental impact of floating wind energy.”

The selection of the BATSO project by ADEME is excellent news; conducting heavy maintenance operations at sea is a key challenge for the competitiveness of floating wind energy. This project will contribute to enhancing the reliability of operations that have not yet been performed at sea, leveraging the expertise of EDF Renewables for its success. It also highlights the importance of having demonstrators for future industries in France. The availability of Floatgen is crucial for demonstrating these complex operations under real conditions,” added Aymeric Ducrocq, Director of Marine Renewable Energies at EDF Renewables.

“The BATSO project lies at the heart of OPEN-C Foundation’s mission: testing to accelerate innovation! We are delighted to contribute our expertise in qualifying and monitoring complex environments to the development of environmentally cost-effective solutions for heavy maintenance in floating wind energy, benefiting unprecedented operations,” stated Bertrand Alessandrini, CEO of the OPEN-C Foundation.

BW Ideol is a leading player in the floating offshore wind market with over 12 years of experience in designing, executing, and developing floating wind projects based on the patented Damping Pool® technology and Ideol SA’s engineering capabilities. The company pursues a dual growth strategy: as a technology provider, project executor, and provider of operation and maintenance services for floating foundation structures; and as a developer and co-owner of floating wind farms. BW Ideol currently operates two floating offshore wind turbines (in France and Japan) and has a substantial project portfolio, including 1GW under development in Scotland. Leveraging BW Offshore’s extensive experience in offshore energy production system development and operation. For more information:

Centrale Nantes is a prominent engineering school founded in 1919, ranked among the top engineering schools in France (L’Etudiant) and within the top 250 globally (Times Higher Education). The institution awards degrees to engineers, bachelors, masters, and doctoral students following academic paths rooted in high-level scientific and technological developments. Research and education at Centrale Nantes revolve around three major growth and innovation challenges: energy transition, industry of the future, and future healthcare. With research platforms ranging from numerical simulation to experimentation on prototypes up to full scale, and boasting a 20-year-old incubator, the school possesses significant tools for innovation and collaborations with the economic world. As part of a proactive integrated research policy between laboratories and industry, Centrale Nantes holds 15 industrial chairs and joint laboratories with leading economic players.

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EDF Renewables is an international energy company that develops, constructs, and operates renewable energy production plants. As a major player in global energy transition, EDF Renewables deploys competitive, responsible projects within EDF that create value. In each country, our teams commit daily to local communities, leveraging their expertise and innovation capacity in the fight against climate change. By the end of 2023, EDF Renewables had an installed capacity of 12.8 GW net (21.2 GW gross) worldwide. Predominantly active in Europe and North America, the company is expanding into emerging markets such as South Africa, Brazil, China, India, and the Middle East. Historically involved in onshore wind and photovoltaics, the company is significantly strengthening its position in both fixed and floating offshore wind, as well as in new technologies like energy storage, floating solar, and agrivoltaics.

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