China is the leading country in the photovoltaic solar energy production industry.

Climate change has forced governments and different multilateral organizations to look for a solution in renewable energies to continue existing, among which solar energy stands out.

For some time now, most of the growth in this type of energy has occurred in Asia, the European Union (EU) and the United States.
In the period between 2010 and 2022, these three powers have progressively increased their solar energy production capacity. Initially, in 2010, China had 1.0 GW of capacity, the European Union with 30.6 GW and the United States with 3.4 GW.

Which marks a growth trajectory in this field, since the latest values ??registered until 2022 were 393.0 GW for China, while for the EU and the United States the installed solar capacity was 205.5 GW and 113.0 GW, respectively.

Although the trend in the following years was similar to that of 2010, with China being the most lagging power in this issue, since 2017 it has experienced a compound annual growth rate, cagr, of approximately 25% in installed photovoltaic capacity. On the other hand, since that same year the United States and the EU have experienced a CAGR of 21% and 16%, respectively.
In fact, the growth was such that China currently dominates the production of solar energy components and controls around 80% of the world’s solar panel supply chain. So much so that by 2022 China’s solar industry would employ 2.76 millions of people.

In the case of the United States, this industry reached 264,000 jobs, while in the case of the EU it employed 648,000 people.

Thus, according to the International Energy Agency, IEA, China represents almost 60% of the new renewable capacity that is expected to come online globally by 2028.

According to the organization, the country is expected to reach its 2030 national goal for wind and solar photovoltaic installations in 2024, that is, six years earlier than planned.