Spain gives the green light to 3,155.8 MW of solar photovoltaic energy and 390.7 MW of wind power in Q2 2024

Spain granted permits for 3,526.5 MW of new photovoltaic and wind energy projects during the second quarter of 2024, according to a report by research firm Opina 360, which extracts figures from BOE announcements.

Compared to the first quarter, this is a capacity drop of 40.8%, according to the report written for the organizers of the Foro Sello conference.

Figures show 46 projects received consent, planning permission or both. These projects represent 3,155.8 MW of solar photovoltaic energy and 390.7 MW of wind energy.

In terms of location, most of the approved capacity is located in five regions of Spain: Castilla y León, Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Navarra and Madrid. They are followed by Aragon, the Canary Islands and the Valencian Community, where a total of 113.8 MW of solar projects received permits. According to the report, during the second quarter no projects were approved in the nine remaining autonomous communities of Spain.

An energy storage project was also approved, a 4.6 MW proposal in the Canary Islands. In addition, a 19.3 MW solar project in the Valencian Community obtained a favorable environmental impact declaration (DIA) during the second quarter.

At the same time, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of Spain formally rejected 48 projects that could have provided 2,155.6 MW of wind energy and 889.8 MW of solar photovoltaic energy, rejecting them for defective DIAs, expired grid access permits or for initiative of the promoters, who withdrew the projects for additional permits.

In the second quarter, 42 projects, or 4,864.5 MW, also entered the public consultation phase. In addition to solar photovoltaic and wind energy, these projects also included proposals for new hydroelectric plants.