Spain authorizes 1 GW, with hybridization of wind power and photovoltaic energy

The Official State Gazette includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including two plants of 93 MW and 63 MW from Viridi re, and another 150 MW plant from M Renewables.
The Official State Gazette includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including two plants of 93 MW and 63 MW from Viridi re, and another 150 MW plant from M Renewables.

We compile the most notable announcements from the Official State Gazette (BOE) in recent days:

Announcement from the Department of the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Subdelegation in Alicante, by which the requests for prior administrative authorization and construction of the modified project of the 93 MW El Secarral photovoltaic plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Alicante. The plant consists of 187,569 580 W monocrystalline bifacial photovoltaic modules, whose structure is a single-axis tracker with North-South orientation. In addition, it has 680 155 kVA (40ºC) string inverters, and 23 0.6/30 kV transformation centers. The total fenced area is 178.57 hectares. The material execution budget is 99,566,166 euros. The promoter company is the German Viridi re Group.

Announcement from the Territorial Delegation of Economy, Finance, European Funds and Industry, Energy and Mines in Seville, by which the requests for prior administrative authorization, administrative authorization for construction and public utility of the Photovoltaic Solar Plant project are submitted to public information Loma de los Pinos Solar Phase I of 10.7 MW, and with hybridization associated with the Loma de los Pinos Wind Farm, together with its underground medium voltage line and expansion, SET Loma de los Pinos of 220/30 kV, in the term municipal of Lebrija (Seville). The promoter company is Verbund AG.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Subdelegation in Valladolid, by which the request for environmental impact declaration, prior administrative authorization, administrative authorization for construction and recognition, and public utility of the solar plant is submitted to public information 150 MW Coral Solar PV photovoltaic plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Valladolid. The photovoltaic plant has 289,860 solar panels of 650 W bifacial monocrystalline silicon cells, installed on galvanized steel structures tracked on an east-west horizontal axis, driven directly into the ground. In addition, it consists of 41 inverters, 23 of 4,200 kVA, 15 of 3,150 kVA and 3 of 2,100 kVA respectively, with 6,000 kVA and 3,570 kVA transformers. The material execution budget is 109,389,917 euros. The promoting company is M Renewables.

Announcement from the Territorial Delegation of Economy, Finance, European Funds and Industrial Policy and Energy in Cádiz of public information for the modification of the prior administrative and construction authorization, and declaration of public utility for the high voltage electrical installation corresponding to the Plant Photovoltaic Solar Puerto Energy of 21.4 MW, in the municipality of Jerez de la Frontera. The plant consists of 46,080 550 W photovoltaic modules, connected to 107 string-type inverters and four transformation centers of 6,500 kVA each. The structure has a single-row tracker system with a vertical module, with the axis of rotation in a north-south direction with rotation movement in an east-west direction. The company promoting the project is Prodiel.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Delegation in Castilla-La Mancha on public information on the request for prior administrative authorization, administrative construction authorization, environmental impact declaration and declaration of public utility of the Hybrid Installation photovoltaic plant Aceca de 347.5 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Toledo. The plant consists of 726,180 565 W monocrystalline bifacial photovoltaic modules, with 8,645 3V x 10, and 3V x 19 type structures. In addition, it has 95 3,658 kVA inverters. The total fenced area is 531.4 hectares. The material execution budget is 192,588,885 euros. The promoting company is Iberdrola Generación.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Subdelegation in Valladolid, by which the request for prior administrative authorization and construction of the 48.12 MW Peñaflor III solar photovoltaic installation is submitted to public information, for its hybridization with the existing 49 MW Peñaflor III wind farm, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Valladolid.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Delegation in Castilla-La Mancha by which the request for prior administrative authorization of the modifications implemented in the 63.60 MW El Lago photovoltaic solar plant project is submitted to public information , and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Toledo. The plant consists of 110,340 monocrystalline bifacial photovoltaic modules of 1,105 W, whose structure is a tracker with a North-South orientation. In addition, it has 4/13 inverters of 3,290/4,390 kVA. The material execution budget is 43,291,151 euros. The promoter company is the German Viridi re Group.

Announcement from the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Serveis Territorials de Girona, of the Generalitat of Catalonia, by which the request for prior administrative and construction authorization of the specific action project of public interest is submitted to public information on non-developable land and environmental impact assessment of the 5 MW PS El Pla photovoltaic solar plant, in the municipality of Llagostera, in the Gironès region and its evacuation infrastructure, 25 kV underground lines, in the municipal terms of Llagostera and Cassà de la Selva. The photovoltaic plant consists of 8,256 fixed structure photovoltaic panels and 25 inverters. The total budget for the installation is 2,627,980 euros. The promoting company is Factor Energía.