Chile installs 3,962 MW of photovoltaic and 1,882 MW of wind power

Currently, there are more than 3.9 GW PV under construction in the country. 67% of Chile’s electricity generation in June was renewable and solar energy represented 15% of monthly generation.
Generadoras Chile has presented its monthly bulletin corresponding to June. According to the report, the National Electric System (SEN) has a total installed capacity of 33,580 MW, of which 22,121 MW correspond to renewable energies.

Currently, 8,292 MW are under construction, with 99% renewable projects. Of them, 47.8% are photovoltaic (3,962 MW), 22.7% are wind energy (1,882 MW) and 18.5% (1,530 MW) are battery storage systems (BESS).

Furthermore, in terms of environmental evaluation, projects for a total of 1,069 MW were entered into the SEIA, of which 61% are photovoltaic. Initiatives for 1,361 MW were approved, with an associated investment of 1,265 million dollars.

Additionally, 67% of electricity production during June came from renewable sources, exceeding 50% on 29 of the 30 days of the month. Hydropower topped the list, contributing 35% of monthly generation, followed by solar energy, which accounted for 15% of monthly generation, with instantaneous solar participation peaking at 53% on June 1 at 12: 00 hours. The leading regions were Antofagasta (47%), Atacama (31%) and Tarapacá (5%).