From 22 to 4 wind turbines, Endesa begins the largest repowering of a wind power plant in Spain

The wind farm, which foresees the replacement of wind turbines operating since 2000, represents an investment of 34.1 million euros. The work has a maximum aid of 6.51 million, granted by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the EU.

Endesa, through its renewable energy subsidiary, Enel Green Power Spain, has started work to repower the Aldeavieja wind farm (Ávila), located in the Avila municipalities of Santa María del Cubillo and Ojos Albos and which will have an investment of 34.1 million euros.

The repowering works include the dismantling of the 22 wind turbines (each with 660 KW of installed power, for a total of 14.52 MW) in operation since 2000 and the replacement of these machines with 4 of the latest generation, of 6MW each. and a total installed power of 24 MW.

With this action, Endesa will not only visually reduce the number of wind turbines, but will technologically improve these facilities, which will be more efficient and safer in operation, practically doubling the park’s annual production, going from 32.5GWh to 64.1 GWh/ anus.

The retired wind turbines will be used as spare parts for other existing Endesa wind farms or sold to third parties, always guaranteeing their reuse and without generating waste, thus extending their life cycle and creating added value.

Likewise, it has been encouraged that the new turbine technology be entirely manufactured within the European Union, which helps maintain employment within the eurozone.

To carry out these works, there will be approximately 50 workers, specialized labor and promoting the hiring of local labor, since this project is located between the municipalities of Santa María del Cubillo and Ojos Albos (challenge municipalities demographic). In addition, Endesa, in coordination with these municipalities, will carry out training courses in operation and maintenance in renewable parks in order to train local personnel in the operation of these facilities once the construction work is completed at the end of 2025.

Likewise, the project promotes mechanisms that promote citizen participation where a part of the production of the repowered park will be used to formalize renewable electricity supply contracts with SMEs in the area.

The project has benefited from the programs granting investment aid in the repowering of wind installations, in the technological and environmental renewal of mini hydroelectric plants of up to 10 MW and in innovative facilities for recycling wind turbine blades (“Circular Repowering Programs “) of the «Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Specifically, the work has received aid of 6.51 million, granted by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE). It is estimated that the Aldeavieja wind farm will begin its testing phase in October 2025 to enter full operation at the end of that same month.

Endesa is a leading electricity company in Spain and the second in Portugal. In addition, it is the second gas operator in the Spanish market. Develops an integrated electricity generation, distribution and marketing business. It also offers electric mobility services, where it is one of the main charging point operators in Spain, and other value-added services aimed at the electrification of energy uses in homes, companies, industries and public administrations. Endesa is firmly committed to the United Nations SDGs and, as such, decisively promotes the development of renewable energies through Enel Green Power Spain, the digitalization of networks through e-distribution and corporate social responsibility. In this last area we also act from the Endesa Foundation. Our human team totals around 9,000 employees. Endesa is part of Enel, the largest electricity group in Europe.