Satisfaction with photovoltaic: the number of approved projects allows progress in the line of achievement of the PNIEC

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) has expressed its deep satisfaction with the announcement by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) on the authorization of 28 GW of new renewable installations, of which 90% correspond to photovoltaic projects.

This milestone marks a significant step towards meeting the objectives of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), reinforcing the crucial role of the photovoltaic sector in Spain’s energy transition. The approval of 24,870MW of the photovoltaic projects presented underlines the quality and viability of the sector’s proposals, as well as the trust placed in this technology to lead the way towards decarbonization.

Rafael Benjumea, president of UNEF, stated: “We are satisfied with the results of this milestone. The decisive commitment to photovoltaic energy puts us on the right path to reach the goal of 57 GW on land by 2030. This achievement not only demonstrates the maturity of our sector, but also its ability to offer clean, cheap and competitive energy for Spanish citizens and industry.

UNEF appreciates the Government’s support for solar technology and the personal efforts made by officials and staff both nationally and in the Autonomous Communities for their rigorous evaluation of the projects. “This exhaustive evaluation is society’s guarantee that all approved projects meet the highest standards, ensuring a more sustainable and economical energy future,” he added.

Looking ahead, UNEF underlines the need to address the sector’s upcoming challenges. “It is essential to advance an adequate regulatory framework, both administrative and remunerative, for energy storage. Likewise, we must deepen electrification and call for auctions that provide remunerative security for the projects,” said the president of UNEF.

Solar energy gives Spain the opportunity to have competitive electrical energy that favors the industrialization of our economy. Central government, CC.AA. and municipalities are aligned in this objective.

Although most of the Autonomous Communities are seeing solar energy as an opportunity for their territory, we note that these positive advances that are being carried out in most of the territories contrast with the barriers that are being observed in some Communities. Autonomous. “While in general there is a positive alignment between the central government and the communities to advance decarbonization, we are concerned about actions such as retroactive taxes in Aragon, the unjustified moratorium in La Rioja, barriers to storage in Asturias or restrictions on free enterprise in the Canary Islands and Catalonia,” Benjumea explained.

UNEF reaffirms its commitment to the sustainable development of the photovoltaic sector and its willingness to collaborate with all administrations to achieve the energy transition objectives. The association will continue to work to overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that arise on the path to a cleaner, more efficient energy future.