Moldova promotes wind energy to boost its energy independence

To improve its energy independence, the Republic of Moldova has announced its first tender for the construction of onshore wind energy facilities with capacities of up to 105 MW.

Investors chosen to build the power plants will receive qualified large producer status, as well as a guaranteed supply of the energy generated for a period of 15 years. According to the conditions of participation, winning investors will be guaranteed a fixed price for the electricity generated for 15 years.

Moldova’s Energy Ministry says the share of electricity from renewable energy sources will increase from 10% at the end of 2023 to 16.6% after the winning power plants come online, which will significantly contribute to meeting the commitment national goal of achieving 30% of electricity from renewable sources. renewables in final consumption by 2030.

Moldova found itself in an “incredibly vulnerable position” when Russia launched the invasion of its neighbor Ukraine in February 2022, but it has worked hard to minimize its dependence on Russia, Moldovan Energy Minister Victor Parlicov said in an interview. with Reuters.

Ukraine reduced its electricity imports by 2% in July compared to June. Before that, Ukraine’s imports had increased for three months in a row.