Spain authorised 5 GW in July in 43 photovoltaic and hybrid projects

Administrative authorisation for construction of the 93.24 MW Caparacena 220 photovoltaic plant, which Endesa is promoting in the municipal areas of Moclín, Atarfe and Colomera (Granada).

Preliminary administrative authorisation and administrative authorisation for construction of the 51.85 MW Torozos 2 photovoltaic plant, promoted by Q-Energy in Simancas, Arroyo de la Encomienda, Ciguñuela and Zaratán (Valladolid).

Preliminary and construction administrative authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility of the 49.99 MW Guadame III photovoltaic plant, promoted by Greenalia in the municipal areas of Marmolejo, Lopera and Arjona, in the province of Jaén.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility for the 49.99 MW Guadame IV photovoltaic plant, promoted by Greenalia in the municipalities of Marmolejo, Lopera and Arjona, in the province of Jaén.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility for the 49.99 MW Zumajo II photovoltaic plant, promoted by Greenalia in the municipalities of Marmolejo, Lopera and Arjona, in the province of Jaén.

Prior Administrative Authorisation of the modified projects for the evacuation infrastructures of the 83 MW Cilindro Solar photovoltaic installation, promoted by Ignis Group in the municipalities of Numancia de la Sagra, Esquivias and Yeles in the province of Toledo, and Torrejón de Velasco in the Community of Madrid.

Prior administrative authorisation, administrative authorisation for construction and the declaration, specifically, of public utility of the Arjona V 15 MW Photovoltaic Solar Plant, promoted by Green Genius in the municipal terms of Fuerte del Rey and Jaén.

Prior administrative authorisation for modifications and administrative authorisation for construction for the Fornax I photovoltaic installation of 108.79 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Fornax Energy Pozuelo de Aragón, Pedrola, Magallón and Agón, in the province of Zaragoza.

Prior administrative authorisation for modifications and administrative authorisation for construction for the Fornax II photovoltaic installation of 111.32 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Fornax Energy in the municipal terms of Pozuelo de Aragón and Pedrola, in the province of Zaragoza.

Prior administrative authorisation for modifications and administrative authorisation for construction for the Fornax III photovoltaic installation of 106.26 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Fornax Energy in the municipality of Pedrola, in the province of Zaragoza.

Prior administrative authorisation for the El Lago photovoltaic installation of 60 MW of installed capacity, and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Viridi in Lominchar and Cedillo del Condado (Toledo).

Administrative authorisation for the FV Muelas plants of 46 MW, FV Ricobayo solar 1-2 of 82 MW, FV Zamora solar 3 of 25.8 MW, FV Medallón Solar of 25.8 MW and FV Ricobayo of 25.8 MW, promoted by Green Stone Renewable in the municipality of Muelas del Pan (Zamora).

Prior administrative authorisation and administrative construction authorisation for FV Herrera Solar 3-4 of 81.20 MW, promoted by Aquila Clean Energy, Sotobañado y Priorato, Páramo de Boedo and Calahorra de Boedo (Palencia).

Prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation, environmental impact statement and declaration of public utility for the 100 MW El Espino photovoltaic park project, promoted by Renantis in the municipal areas of Velilla de San Antonio and Loeches, in the Community of Madrid.

Prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation, environmental impact statement and declaration of public utility for the 200 MW Gasset photovoltaic solar park project, promoted by Capital Energy in Humanes de Madrid and Griñón (Madrid).

Prior administrative and construction authorisation, environmental impact statement and declaration of public utility of the modified preliminary project of the 54.105 MW Herrada Solar for its hybridisation with the 52 MW La Herrada wind farm, promoted by Capital Energy in the areas of Montealegre del Castillo and Corral-Rubio de Albacete.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility of the 81.4 MW Carbo photovoltaic solar plant, promoted by Enel Green in the municipalities of Fuente Palmera, Guadalcázar and Almodóvar del Río, in the province of Córdoba.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation of the modification of the project of the 32.67 MW «Guadame Solar 4» photovoltaic solar plant, promoted by Eurofinsa in the municipalities of Córdoba, Bujalance and El Carpio.

Prior Administrative Authorization of the modifications implemented in the project of the 63.60 MW El Lago Photovoltaic Solar Plant, promoted by Viridi in the municipalities of Lominchar, Palomeque and Cedillo del Condado, in the province of Toledo.

Prior administrative authorization, administrative authorization of construction and declaration of public utility of the 93 MW PSF El Secarral photovoltaic installation and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Viridi in the municipalities of Agost, Monforte del Cid and Elche, in the province of Alicante.

Prior administrative and construction authorization, and declaration of public utility, authorization of the project of specific action of public interest on non-urbanizable land and environmental impact assessment, of the 5 MW PS El Pla, promoted by Azule Energy in the municipality of Llagostera, in the Gironès region.

Prior administrative authorization and construction authorization, as well as the declaration of public utility of the 114.97 MW Agrupación Maira Delta photovoltaic plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Solaria in the municipal terms of Quintanilla San García and Valluércanes, in the province of Burgos.

Prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization, of the modification of the project of the 32.67 MW Guadame Solar IV photovoltaic plant, promoted by Euder Energy in the municipal terms of Córdoba, Bujalance and El Carpio, in the province of Córdoba.

Prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization, of the 48.12 MW Peñaflor III photovoltaic plant, for its hybridization with the existing 49 MW Peñaflor III wind farm, and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Iberdrola in the province of Valladolid.

Prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation for the 48.118 MW Peñaflor IV photovoltaic installation, for its hybridisation with the existing 49 MW Peñaflor IV wind farm, promoted by Iberdrola in the municipality of San Cebrián de Mazote, in the province of Valladolid.

Prior administrative authorisation and construction authorisation for the 26.36 MW Andévalo PV Hybridisation storage installation, for its hybridisation with the existing 42.56 MW FV Andévalo solar photovoltaic park, promoted by Iberdrola in the municipality of Puebla de Guzmán, in the province of Huelva.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation, environmental impact statement and declaration of public utility for the Aceca Hybrid installation of 347.51 MW for its hybridisation with the Aceca Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant of 400 MW, promoted by Iberdrola in the municipality of Villaseca de la Sagra (Toledo).

Prior administrative authorisation and administrative construction authorisation for the FV Cofrentes I photovoltaic installation, of 154.66 MW, promoted by Iberdrola in the municipalities of Ayora, Zarra, Jarafuel, Jalance and Cofrentes in the province of Valencia.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility, for Verbund AG, of the Loma de los Pinos Solar Photovoltaic Plant Phase I of 10.7 MW in the municipality of Lebrija (Seville).

Prior administrative authorization, request for environmental impact statement for the 150 MW La Puebla 3 photovoltaic solar plant projects, and the 59 MW La Puebla 4 photovoltaic solar plant projects, promoted by Jinko Greenfield in the municipalities of Alosno, Tharsis, Cerro del Andévalo and La Puebla de Guzmán in the province of Huelva.

Prior Administrative Authorization and request for Administrative Authorization for Construction of the Modified 2023 Project of the Garoña Alfacuarta Photovoltaic Solar Plant of 73.4 MW, promoted by Eidf Solar in the municipality of Valle de Tobalina, in the province of Burgos.

Prior Administrative Authorization and Construction Administrative Authorization for the corrective addendum of the Envatios XXII Phase II Photovoltaic Plant of 279.9 MW, promoted by Prodiel in Borox, Cobeja (Toledo) and Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid).

Prior administrative authorization and construction authorization and declaration of public utility of the high voltage electrical installation corresponding to the Puerto Energy Photovoltaic Solar Plant of 21.4 MW, promoted by Prodiel in the municipality of Jerez de la Frontera

Prior administrative authorization and construction administrative authorization of the modified project of the PSF Lucinala photovoltaic installation of 62.40 MW, promoted by Prodiel in the municipalities of Elche and Alicante, in the province of Alicante.

Environmental impact statement, prior administrative authorization, administrative construction authorization and recognition of public utility, of the 150 MW Coral Solar photovoltaic solar plant, promoted by M Renewables in the province of Valladolid.

Prior administrative authorization and construction, and recognition of public utility of the 43.05 MW La Muñeca photovoltaic solar installation, for its hybridization with the existing 40.5 MW La Muñeca wind farm, promoted by Naturgy in the province of Palencia.

Prior administrative authorization and construction, and recognition of public utility, of the 52.5 MW Cuesta Mañera photovoltaic solar park, for its hybridization with the existing 49.5 MW Cuesta Mañera wind farm, promoted by Naturgy in the province of Palencia.

Request for administrative authorization and declaration of public utility of the battery energy storage project for the hybridization of the 12.8 MW Piletas I wind farm photovoltaic plant, promoted by Naturgy in the municipality of Agüimes, on the island of Gran Canaria.

Application for Prior Administrative and Construction Authorisation as well as the Specific Declaration of Public Utility of the Loma de los Pinos Solar PV Phase I 10.65 MW and the hybridisation associated with the Loma de los Pinos Wind Farm, promoted by Capital Energy in the municipality of Lebrija (Seville).

Application for prior administrative and construction authorisation and environmental impact declaration for the Calvià Bess 1 and 2 storage system of 10 MW, promoted by Energy Factory in Calvià, Balearic Islands.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation as well as the declaration of public utility of the Carbo photovoltaic solar plant, with an installed capacity of 81.4 MW, and 30 kV evacuation infrastructure, promoted by Enel Green in the municipalities of Fuente Palmera, Guadalcázar and Almodóvar del Río, in the province of Córdoba.