Iberdrola to install 700 MW of photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in Spain

The total investment amount for the five photovoltaic and hybridisation projects that Iberdrola is developing in the provinces of Huelva, Valencia, Valladolid and Toledo is 380 million euros.
Last July, Iberdrola obtained authorisation for the construction of 700 MW of five photovoltaic and hybridisation projects in the provinces of Huelva, Valencia, Valladolid and Toledo. The total investment in these projects is 380 million euros.

Iberdrola obtained authorisation for the construction of the Peñaflor III photovoltaic plant, and its hybridisation with the existing Peñaflor III wind farm, a project with an execution budget of 38,847,591 euros. This project will be developed in the municipalities of San Cebrián de Mazote, Castromonte, Barruelo del Valle, Torrelobatón and Peñaflor de Hornija, in the province of Valladolid.

The 48.12 MW Peñaflor III Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant will have 106,923 540 W bifacial monocrystalline silicon solar panels, installed on fixed galvanized steel structures driven directly into the ground. In addition, it will be made up of 14 3,437 kW inverters, distributed in 7 power blocks with 6,874 kVA transformers, with underground lines at 30 kV.

This project will be hybridized with the existing 49 MW Peñaflor III wind farm, located in the municipality of Peñaflor de Hornija. This wind farm has a total of 30 Almstom-Ecotecnia ECO80 model wind turbines, 27 of them of 1,670 kW and the remaining 3 of 1,300 kW.

In addition, Iberdrola has obtained the administrative authorisation to carry out a second hybridisation project, Peñaflor IV, of 48.12 MW, for hybridisation with the existing wind farm, Peñaflor IV, in San Cebrián de Mazote, in the province of Valladolid. This is a twin project of Peñaflor III, which therefore includes the same technical characteristics. It has an execution budget of 27,210,337 euros.

The third authorised project is the Andévalo PV Hybrid BESS of 26.36 MW, for hybridisation with batteries of the existing Andévalo PV solar park of 42.56 MW, in the municipality of Puebla de Guzmán in the province of Huelva. The budget for the execution of the BESS system and its 30 KV line is 20,154,148 euros, and the budget for the modification of the SET is 124,850 euros.

This battery-based electric energy storage plant will consist of 26 6.1 m containers, made up of 8 battery racks, which in turn are made up of 15 battery modules. The project has six 4.7 MW plants, and one of them of 2.35 MW.

In addition, the request for administrative authorization for the construction and public use of a third project was announced, the Aceca Hybrid photovoltaic plant of 347.5 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridization with the existing thermal power plant, the Aceca Combined Cycle Plant of 400 MW, in the province of Toledo. The photovoltaic plant will consist of 726,180 565 W monocrystalline bifacial photovoltaic modules, with 8,645 3V x 10 and 3V x 19 type structures. In addition, it will have 95 3,658 kVA inverters. The total fenced area is 531.4 hectares. The material execution budget is 192,588,885 euros.

Another project for which Iberdrola has obtained administrative and prior construction authorisation is the 154.66 MW Cofrentes I photovoltaic plant and its evacuation infrastructure, in the Valencian municipalities of Ayora, Zarra, Jarafuel, Jalance and Cofrentes. Iberdrola announced an investment of more than 100 million euros during the process of processing this project.

The Cofrentes I photovoltaic plant will have 77,700 / 89,460 / 101,724 bifacial monocrystalline silicon modules, from the Chinese brand Trina and model NEG21C.20, of 680 W / 685 W / 690 W respectively, together with 45 inverters from the Chinese manufacturer Sungrow, model 3125HV of 3,437 kW. In addition, it will consist of nine transformation centres of 3.44 MW and 18 of 6.87 MW. The occupied surface area is 7,412 m2.