The Xunta grants authorization to three wind power plants in Galicia

The project includes five wind turbines with a hub height of between 120 and 164 metres and a rotor diameter of 155 metres. The Xunta authorises the construction of the Carboeiro wind farm, which will be located on land belonging to the municipalities of Arteixo, Culleredo and A Laracha. The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change published this Wednesday in the Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) the resolution, dated 24 July, granting prior administrative authorisation and administrative authorisation for the construction of the facilities planned in the project, promoted by Green Capital Development.

The park will consist of five wind turbines – compared to the eight initially planned – with a hub height of between 120 and 164 metres and a rotor diameter of 155 metres and 5.9 MW. The project also includes five transformer stations, a 132/30 kV transformer substation, a 30 kV electrical network for interconnection between the wind turbine transformer stations and the substation, a 164-metre-high meteorological tower and civil works consisting of access trucks to the windmills, the substation, the control building, the foundations, the wind turbine platforms and cable trenches.