Infolink releases global ranking of photovoltaic (PV) module shipments

Infolink Consulting has released the global photovoltaic module supply ranking for the first half of 2024. In a survey of manufacturers, changes were detected in the major global leaders.

Jinko Solar ranks first, followed by JA Solar and Trina Solar. Longi ranks fourth, followed by Tongwei, Astronergy and Canadian Solar. GCL and DAS Solar share the eighth spot, and Risen Energy ranks tenth.
According to InfoLink, the top 10 manufacturers shipped approximately 226 GW of modules in the first half of this year, an increase of 40% year-on-year. Jinko, JA Solar, Trina and Longi have occupied the top four spots since 2019.

The four manufacturers account for approximately 63% of the total module volume in this survey. According to Infolink analysis, the production of the largest Chinese manufacturers remained stable for the domestic market. However, exports to international markets have declined, affected by political fluctuations, geopolitical risks and inventory build-up.

PERC PV modules account for around 28% of the total volume. TOPCon’s N-type solar panel shipments account for nearly 70% of the total. Meanwhile, HJT and xBC modules account for 1% and 4%, respectively, of the top 10’s total shipments.