Photovoltaic energy: from the sun to the panels

Renewable energies offer a wide range of benefits for society, industry and, mainly, for the environment, since they use natural resources such as wind or solar radiation as raw materials, the latter being an abundant and inexhaustible source of energy.

We can affirm this by thinking about the large amounts of electromagnetic radiation that reach the earth’s surface and that we perceive in the form of light and heat, emitted by the sun thanks to the nuclear fusions that occur daily inside it.

This radiation is captured by photovoltaic panels that convert it into electricity through the photoelectric effect, in which certain materials absorb photons —light particles— and release electrons, generating an electric current.
What are solar panels made of?

Solar panel made of glass cover, frame, polymer sheet, support and cells

Photovoltaic panels are made up of cells made of materials such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline or amorphous silicon and other thin-film semiconductor materials. These materials are mixed (or “doped”) with phosphorus or boron to modify their energy-conducting properties.

The result is the creation of two parts, one with a negative charge and the other positive. When exposed to the sun, the photons displace the electrons and a direct current is produced which, through an inverter, is transformed into alternating current, which commonly reaches homes and industry.

The materials from which solar panels are built and their operation do not alter the climate of the regions where they are located. Their operation contributes to the fight against climate change thanks to the fact that it does not generate polluting emissions.
Social and environmental impact of photovoltaic parks

Download the transcript of the video Iberdrola Mexico – Luces de Esperanza, 4th phase, Oaxaca

An example of how the technology used to generate renewable energy benefits both the environment and communities is the Luces de Esperanza program, which has brought electricity to rural communities without previous access to that service, through solar panels installed in homes and community centers, where they can now carry out various productive and entertainment activities that require electricity.

On the other hand, Iberdrola Mexico’s photovoltaic parks contribute to generating green jobs during the manufacturing of the panels and from the research and development phases to the construction and operation of the facilities.

In addition, the company offers sustainable energy solutions such as on-site photovoltaic systems, which have become a great alternative for industries that want to contribute to the protection of the environment and at the same time achieve efficiencies in their electricity consumption. And all this without emitting greenhouse gases.

Finally, renewable energy also contributes to the environment thanks to the way in which solar panels are kept clean, because, although there are maintenance programs in this regard, only rainwater is used for this task, and no park is connected to the public grid.

Renewable energies have many other benefits and more and more companies are changing their source of electricity supply with the aim of contributing to a cleaner and greener planet for future generations.
