Piauí authorizes operation of wind power plant with more than 300 MW

The Grupo Ventos de São Zacarias project, in the municipality of Simões, focuses on the socio-environmental and economic responsibility of the region.
Piauí has ??established itself as one of the largest renewable energy generators in the country. This week, another project received authorization for test operations: the Grupo Ventos de São Zacarias wind farm, which received an operating license (LO), issued by the Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources (Semarh). Located in the municipality of Simões, 427 km from Teresina, the park is committed to the socio-environmental and economic responsibility of the region.

Foto: Ventos de São Zacarias

With the LO, the company has authorization for test operations, pending orders for Commercial Operation, which will be granted by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). Therefore, the estimated start of commercial operations will be after the publication of the orders, which should occur in December 2024.

The wind farm will have an expected capacity of more than 300 megawatts, contributing to the state’s name continuing to occupy a prominent position within the Brazilian energy scene, in addition to generating 3,000 direct and indirect jobs during the construction period of the plant. For its execution and environmental viability, the project received full technical support from Semarh. The operating license granted by Semarh is valid until 2028 and can be renewed.

The Secretary of the Environment, Daniel Oliveira, highlights the work of the Government of Piauí, through Semarh, to encourage and promote clean and renewable energy projects in the state. “We are a great promoter of this type of projects, prioritizing the promotion of sustainable development combined with care for the environment. In this way, we have increasingly distinguished ourselves, in addition to producing clean energy, also in job creation”, highlights the manager.

Operating License (LO) is the certification issued by the environmental agency that certifies the company’s compliance with environmental standards and its execution. It is the agency that authorizes the operation of the company or activity, after verifying compliance with the provisions of previous licenses, environmental control measures and the conditions that determine the operation.

The Operating License No. PI-LO.06859-0/2024 for the Ventos de São Zacarias 02 Wind Farm, located in Simões, was issued in compliance with all the steps provided for in the environmental regulations.