Spain authorizes 875 MW for 9 photovoltaic and hybrid projects in the second week of September

The Official State Gazette for the second week of September contains announcements corresponding to 9 projects for 263.4 MW belonging to Enel Green Power, and 557 MW to Viridi.

We compile the most notable announcements from the Official State Gazette (BOE) of the second week of September:

Application for declaration of prior administrative authorization of modifications and construction for the Acequia Solar photovoltaic installation of 43.23 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in Guadalajara and Madrid, promoted by Ignis.

Application for Declaration of Public Utility of the Andrea photovoltaic plant of 263.37 MW, and its associated evacuation infrastructure in the municipality of Antas, province of Almería, promoted by Enel Green.

Request for Prior Administrative Authorization and Construction of modifications to the solar photovoltaic plant projects Páramos de la Sagra of 93 MW, Hayabusa of 75 MW, San Marcos of 100 MW and San Pedro of 75 MW and their evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Cedillo del Condado, Palomeque, Valmojado, Lominchar and Casarrubios del Monte (Toledo), promoted by Viridi.

Prior administrative authorization of modifications and construction for the La Campiña photovoltaic installation of 214.08 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of Toledo, Argés, Cobisa, Burguillos de Toledo, Nambroca, Mocejón, Villaseca de la Sagra, Cobeja, Villaluenga de la Sagra, Yuncler, Yuncos and Cedillo del Condado (Toledo), promoted by Viridi.

Environmental Impact Determination Report for the 5 MW Helioenergy PV1 Photovoltaic Plant project, for hybridisation with the existing 50 MW Helioenergy 1 solar thermal plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in Écija (Seville), promoted by Atlantica.

Environmental Impact Determination Report for the 5 MW Helioenergy PV2 Photovoltaic Plant project, for hybridisation with the existing 50 MW Helioenergy 2 solar thermal plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in Écija (Seville), promoted by Atlantica.

Notice: the announcements published in the BOE that are included here mention the initial promoters of the projects. It is possible that these have been sold or transferred later.