Potential for generating offshore wind energy in Costa Rica

Specialized studies have identified that a region of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica has the technical potential necessary to install the first offshore wind energy park in the country, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) reported on Monday.

“As part of the findings of these preliminary studies, it was determined that in La Cruz there are favorable wind conditions for the possible development of an offshore wind farm. In addition, the community maintains a broad interest in the initiative since it would support the revitalization of its economy,” explained the CABEI in a statement.

The studies have found that the area of ??La Cruz, in the province of Guanacaste (Pacific) near the border with Nicaragua, is the region with the greatest potential to build the first offshore wind energy park in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is recognized worldwide for the generation of energy from clean sources. In recent years, this Central American country has been generating more than 90% of its electricity through hydroelectric, wind, geothermal and solar plants. But, so far, there is no offshore wind power plant.

The regional diagnostic studies, socio-environmental and legal context were financed by the CABEI and the Government of South Korea through the Korea-CABEI Single Donor Trust Fund (KTF), and also with an execution that had the support of the state-owned Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE).

In addition, the process included an environmental and social awareness strategy; a diagnosis of the social, economic, political, geographic and historical context of the coastal areas of influence; an evaluation of economic, social, environmental and legal challenges, and a communication plan.

“The development of offshore wind energy represents a unique opportunity to diversify Costa Rica’s energy matrix and strengthen its leadership in renewable energy. Financing these studies is a crucial step to ensure that the country is prepared to face the technical, economic and social challenges posed by the development of this type of project,” said CABEI manager in Costa Rica, Álvaro Alfaro.

As part of the conclusions and recommendations, the studies pointed out the importance of conducting a comprehensive analysis of the marine-coastal infrastructure with the need to carry out strategic interventions such as the modernization of ports, the development of new submarine cables, and the incorporation of advanced technologies, among others.

In addition, a link with international initiatives is required, monitoring technological advances to optimize the project, and the promotion of strategic alliances with key players such as CABEI with the capacity to finance the project.