Photovoltaic inverter: what is it and how does it work?

The solar inverter, or photovoltaic inverter, is an essential component in solar energy systems. Its main function is to convert the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is the type of energy used by our household appliances.

The conversion is necessary for the efficient and safe operation of the entire solar energy system. Given the variety of systems, there are different types of inverters, each designed to serve specific projects.
The solar inverter is a part present in any photovoltaic system whose main function is to convert the current generated by solar panels into a form of energy used by most electronic devices and electrical systems.

In addition to adapting energy for use, the photovoltaic inverter also optimizes energy production and monitors system performance, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Inverters can be installed in a variety of locations, from solar panels to spaces near the light panel, as long as they are protected from excessive heat and humidity.

In larger commercial installations, it is common to dedicate a room solely to this equipment, due to its size and need for maintenance.

Europeans have a long tradition in the production of solar inverters and have brought several innovations to the market. However, quality inverters are also manufactured in countries such as China and Brazil, offering a variety of options to meet different needs.
How does the solar inverter work?

The operation of a solar inverter involves three main components: oscillator, transformer and regulator. Initially, solar panels convert sunlight into electric current, which is conducted to the inverter’s oscillator.

The oscillator works by modifying the direct current, which has a constant voltage, transforming it into voltage pulses;
The current then passes through the transformer, where the electromagnetic induction process occurs and the voltage pulses are transformed into alternating current;
Finally, the regulator ensures that the alternating current has been transformed correctly and helps to avoid voltage spikes, which can damage equipment.

This alternating current is the type of energy that common electrical appliances can use, making the photovoltaic system practical and functional for everyday use.

Although not all inverters have a regulator, their presence is an added advantage, increasing the safety and stability of the system.
What are the types of inverters for solar energy?
1) Grid-tied solar inverter (grid tie)

This is the most common type of solar inverter, connected directly to the power company’s electrical grid. Its main function is to inject the energy generated by the solar panels into the grid, allowing users to “sell” excess energy to the dealer in exchange for credits.

The credits can later be used to offset electricity consumption at times when the panels are not generating power, such as at night. When there is a power outage, it automatically shuts off for safety.

In addition to being able to power most appliances, the grid-tied inverter also records detailed information about the efficiency of the system and the amount of energy produced.
2) Off-grid solar inverter

Designed for systems that operate independently of the power grid, the off-grid solar inverter is ideal for remote locations or situations where there is no access to the conventional grid.

The off-grid inverter converts the direct current from the batteries that store the energy generated by the solar panels into alternating current, ensuring a constant supply even at night or on cloudy days.

3) Hybrid solar inverter

The hybrid solar inverter combines the functionalities of a grid-connected and off-grid inverter. This means that it can operate both connected to the power grid and independently, using batteries to store energy.

The versatility allows the user to program the system to optimize the use of solar energy. For example, the inverter can be configured to inject energy into the grid at times of high cost and store energy when the expense is lower.
4) String solar inverter (wall inverter)

The string solar inverter is a variant of the grid-connected inverter. It connects multiple solar panels in series to a single device, simplifying system installation and maintenance.

Because it is larger than other models, it is often called a “wall inverter” and is installed on a wall near the power distribution board.

5) Microinverter

Designed to work with a single solar panel, the microinverter converts DC power from each panel directly into AC power. By operating independently, each microinverter can optimize efficiency and monitor the performance of each panel individually.

This is extremely useful in situations where solar panels may be unevenly affected by shadows, when fault detection is necessary, or to facilitate system expansion by adding panels as needed.

6) Central solar inverter

Ideal for large projects, the central solar inverter works in a similar way to the string inverter. It is capable of converting large volumes of DC power into AC power, being optimized to operate in complex environments with high energy demands, such as industrial facilities and solar plants.
7) Inverter with power optimizer.

This type of inverter comes with a power optimizer, a device that can be connected to the inverter to improve current conduction and prevent losses during the conversion process.
In other words, the power optimizer offers an additional layer of safety by disabling the circuit in the event of arc detection, preventing possible damage.

Some inverters already come integrated with power optimizers, while others can be adapted to include this component.
What precautions should be taken with the solar inverter?

To keep the solar inverter working well and for longer, it is important to follow some simple precautions. First, choose a reliable and efficient inverter, with a national warranty of at least 5 years, extendable to 10 years.

Look for brands with a good reputation in the market to facilitate any changes or repairs and make sure that the equipment has quality seals, complying with safety standards.

Installation must be carried out by qualified professionals to ensure that the solar generation system works properly. Finally, keep an eye on your system’s data, as many inverters have monitoring that shows energy production and possible failures over the years.

Understanding how a solar inverter works and why it is important is the first step for anyone who wants to invest in solar energy and make the most of this sustainable technology.