Spain approves 650 MW for 11 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects, including 39.6 BESS from Naturgy

The Official State Gazette contains announcements corresponding to the last week of September of 11 photovoltaic and hybridisation projects with wind energy and batteries (BESS).
Prior administrative authorisation of the construction modifications, and the declaration of public utility, for the Mudarra 1 photovoltaic installation of 52.525 MW and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Villalba de los Alcores, Valladolid and Medina de Rioseco, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Abei Energy.

Prior administrative authorisation of modifications and declaration of public utility for the 65 MW Mudarra 2 photovoltaic installation and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of Villalba de los Alcores, Medina de Rioseco, Valladolid and La Mudarra, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Abei Energy.

Announcement by the Department of the Functional Area of ??Industry and Energy of the Government Subdelegation in Guadalajara, by which the request for modification of the prior administrative authorisation and administrative authorisation of construction for the Alten Tres Cantos photovoltaic solar park, of 100 MWp and 97.60 MW of installed capacity and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of El Cubillo de Uceda and Uceda (Province of Guadalajara), and Torremocha de Jarama, Torrelaguna, El Vellón, El Molar, San Agustín de Guadalix and Colmenar Viejo (Province of Madrid), promoted by Alten, is submitted for public information.

Prior administrative authorisation for modifications and construction for the Recova Solar photovoltaic installation, of 72.5 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in Colmenar de Oreja, Belmonte de Tajo, Chinchón, Valdelaguna, Arganda del Rey, Perales de Tajuña and Morata de Tajuña, Community of Madrid, in the province of Malaga, promoted by TotalEnergies.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment formulating an environmental impact statement for the Venus photovoltaic solar park project, with 105 MW of installed capacity, in Algodre and Coreses (Zamora), promoted by Wedge Directorship, related to Grupo Avintia.

Announcement by the Department of Industry and Energy of the Government Subdelegation in Zaragoza, which submits to public information the environmental impact statement and the request for prior administrative authorization of the file, consisting of the hybrid plant Proyecto Ríos FV of 36 MW of photovoltaic and 30.5 MW of wind power, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of Pedrola and Plasencia de Jalón, in the province of Zaragoza, promoted by Lightsource BP.

Prior administrative and construction authorization, for the Las Tadeas Solar photovoltaic solar installation of 46.14 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridization with the existing Las Tadeas wind farm of 39.05 MW, in Paredes de Nava and Cardeñosa de Volpejera (Palencia), promoted by Alstom.

Public utility application for the project to execute the 13 MW Bizarrona PSFV Photovoltaic Solar Plant, in the municipality of El Puerto de Santa María, promoted by Greencells Group.

Environmental impact determination report for the 39.93 MW Caldereros photovoltaic plant project, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridization with the 37.8 MW Caldereros wind farm, in Hombrados and El Pobo de Dueñas, Guadalajara, promoted by Enel Green Power.

Application for Prior Administrative and Construction Authorization for the Bess Tabernas I and Bess Tabernas II hybrid battery storage facilities of 19.8 MW each, and their evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Almería, for its hybridization with the FV Tabernas I and FV Tabernas II photovoltaic solar plants, promoted by Naturgy.

On the other hand, the authorisation procedure for the PSFV Martelilla photovoltaic solar park project, with an installed capacity of 118.19 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Cádiz, is progressing. It is promoted by a company belonging to Benbros Solar.

Note: the announcements published in the BOE that are included here mention the initial promoters of the projects. It is possible that these have been sold or transferred subsequently.